FNG Onboarding

Welcome to F3 Naperville!! Here’s some basic info on our Slack world Which we call the Workout Space. We use the Slack workout space FOR EVERYTHING, and it’s primarily centered around 3 channels (mimicking the 3 F’s of F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith)

Didn’t find your invite? Use this link:

We use Slack for everything. Click here if you didn't get your invite.

Set up Your Slack Profile In The "Workout" Space

When you get in Slack please fill out your profile information. It’s about safety. 

  1. Enter your real name in the Full name field.
  2. Enter your F3 name in the Display name field. 
  3. Enter your cell phone in the phone field. 
  4. In the Title field, please enter your Emergency contact name and phone number. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

FYI: If you don’t fill it out your profile completely, our Slackbots will keep bugging you until you do. 

Sample F3 Slack Profile - Don't forget to fill out your Slack profile.
Sample F3 Slack Profile - Don't forget to fill out your Slack profile.

Slack Channel Navigation

We use the Slack “workout” space FOR EVERYTHING, and it’s primarily centered around 3 channels mimicking the 3 F’s of F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. 

Fitness (1stF):

  • #1st-f-preblasts-hc  – this channel announces the upcoming workouts for the next day.
    • The Q makes an announcement, and PAX will “HC” in a thread below that blast. HC stands for “Hard Commit”.
    • If you put that in, you’d better show. Otherwise, if you miss, you’ll have “fartsacked”.
  • #1st-f-general  basic stuff about fitness that isn’t related to pre/postblasts
  • #1st-f-backblasts-fomo – Where pics and backblasts are posted from the days workouts.
  • #2nd-f – stuff about happy hours, coffeeteria, and when we can be together again, lunches, bbq’s, etc. PAX just getting together and hanging.
  • #3rd-f : All about prayer requests, Qsource, charity opportunities, etc
  • #csaup (Completely stupid and utterly pointless) – self explanatory
  • #mumblechatter – fair game. Whatever you want to post here.
  • #f3gear any all things about gear, including F3 branded
  • #ruck_hq – all things about rucking
  • #info_only_no_chatter – General announcements without all the commentary so you can easily find info. Only Commz Q posts here. If you want something here, ask him. 

Feel free to search around. The Site Q who put you in the system will be putting out a welcome message soon on the #welcome-fng channel.


Couple of terms you may already know but just in case:

HC Hard Commit. When you commit to a go to workout in the #1st-f-preblasts-hc channel in Slack.
HC+6 This is the Site Q of the AO hard committing to the workout and telling Q he has is back during the workout.
Fartsack HC'ing to a post, then sleeping in.
Merkin It's our way of saying a push up.
Q The leader of the workout, which is all volunteer and rotates everyday. A Leader who takes responsibility for the outcome.
Site Qs  The Leader charged with overall responsibility for a particular Workout. The F3 Ambassadors, if you will. He plants the flag for the AO, makes folks feel welcome, makes sure the disclaimer is correctly spoken, picks up the 6, etc. He manages safety for the site (don’t post if there is a bunch of lightning, that sort of thing).  He champions the Q schedule. Practices Voluntoldism… He sells the AO, the Qs, and the Mission of F3.
Post Going to a workout.
Coupon  This is just a standard 36 lb 8 x 8 x 16 Regular Construction Block you can get at Menards. The pre-blast from the Q in our #1st-f-preblasts-hc channel in Slack will tell you if a coupon is being used in the workout or not.
AO  Area of Operation. This is the workout location.
SixYour posterior end, or the PAX at the trailing end of a Workout. The place most FNG’s start, but where few remain for long if they keep taking the DRP.

Other links

Other parts of F3 Naperville you might want to check out.