2025 Lincoln Games Draft Order Reveal

This weekend, our 1st F Q, Supply Chain, with the help of his 2.0s, kicked off the excitement by drawing names from a hat to set the draft order for the Lincoln Games Chaos Draft!

This year, we’re doubling the action with two drafts, bringing even more intensity to the competition. In early April, each Captain will go live on YouTube to select their Right-Hand PAX as their Co-Captain. Then, the full snake draft will unfold live and in person on April 27 at the Mistwood Dome in Bolingbrook.

Can’t make it? No worries! You can catch all the action broadcast live on our YouTube Channel and stay plugged in through the F3 Naperville Slack Space. Get ready—the Lincoln Games are coming!

The 2025 Lincoln Games Draft Order By Captain

  1. Slip N’ Rock
  2. Morphine
  3. Snap Crakel Pop
  4. Rain Man
  5. Pitch perfect
  6. Bull Dog
  7. Hank Hill
  8. Cow Bell
  9. Silo
  10. KO
  11. Horse N’ Buggy
  12. MiaHamm
  13. Showbiz
  14. Greatest showman
  15. Swaggy Hog
  16. Pink Eye
  17. Dead Air
  18. Ringo
  19. Mr. Freeze
  20. False start

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