IronPax 2024 Is Here

Iron PAX 2024 is coming!!!

:zap: Who: All F3 PAX Accross the USA and World!

 :zap: What: Iron Pax (IPC) is a F3 Nationwide competition that takes place over a span of 5 consecutive weeks. 1 badass workout per week as decided and shared by The Nation. Workouts are held at designated AO’s during normal post days/times, prepared and executed by our Q’s and SiteQ’s.

:zap: Where: Will be taking place simultaneously nationwide. For us in F3N, see the schedule below for both Central and West AO’s

.:zap: When: Beginning the week of September 2nd (Week 0). The schedule for both Central and West is below.

:zap: Why?: See how you stack up against PAX all across F3 Nation as we push each other to our best!! :muscle::zap: 

How: Show up, give it your best, take your result and register it within the F3 Nation Iron PAX tracker (to be shared soon). As a note, Central and West will have one last chance to show our combined force as we will all record our results as F3 Naperville! 

:heart:Stay tuned to #1st-f-general and the Info Only channels for more info!

Iron Sharpens Iron on September 2024
Iron Sharpens Iron on September 2024 during the Iron Pax challenge

Note register under F3 Naperville no mater what AO you normal attend. We are still one region during the Iron-Pax 2024 Challenge. 

At it’s core, the IPC is a “You vs You” competition, designed to push you beyond what you think you can do.

Did you know?

Did you know the the Iron Pax Challenge came from the F3 Greenwood Region? Head over to to learn more. 

F3 Naperville Iron Pax AO Schedule

Wednesdays will be the main day Iron Pax takes place and Fridays will be the make-up day. Iron Pax days in the central area will be spread out between The Outpost, Iron Lion, and The Complex. Black Panther will hold Iron Paz Main Days in the west. 

Make-up days take place on Fridays and will alternate between Dark Tower, Citadel, and the Outpost. Make-up days will take place at La Luz and Fox Boro for all  5 weeks.

See the schedule below for details. 

Week 0Tuesday, 9/3La LuzMain Day
Week 0Wednesday, 9/4Black PantherMain Day
Week 0Wednesday, 9/4The ComplexMain Day
Week 0Wednesday, 9/4The OutpostMain Day
Week 0Friday, 9/6Dark TowerMake-Up Day
Week 0Friday, 9/6FoxboroMake-Up Day
Week 1Tuesday, 9/10La LuzMain Day
Week 1Wednesday, 9/11Black PantherMain Day
Week 1Wednesday, 9/11Iron LionMain Day
Week 1Wednesday, 9/11The ComplexMain Day
Week 1Friday, 9/13CitadelMake-Up Day
Week 1Friday, 9/13FoxboroMake-Up Day
Week 2Tuesday, 9/17La LuzMain Day
Week 2Wednesday, 9/18Black PantherMain Day
Week 2Wednesday, 9/18Iron LionMain Day
Week 2Wednesday, 9/18The OutpostMain Day
Week 2Friday, 9/20Dark TowerMake-Up Day
Week 2Friday, 9/20FoxboroMake-Up Day
Week 3Tuesday, 9/24La LuzMain Day
Week 3Wednesday, 9/25Black PantherMain Day
Week 3Wednesday, 9/25Iron LionMain Day
Week 3Wednesday, 9/25The ComplexMain Day
Week 3Friday, 9/27FoxboroMake-Up Day
Week 3Friday, 9/27The OutpostMake-Up Day
Week 4Tuesday, 10/1La LuzMain Day
Week 4Wednesday, 10/2Black PantherMain Day
Week 4Wednesday, 10/2The ComplexMain Day
Week 4Wednesday, 10/2The OutpostMain Day
Week 4Friday, 10/4CitadelMake-Up Day
Week 4Friday, 10/4FoxboroMake-Up Day

Iron Pax Works From F3 Greenwood’s YouTube channel

See more IPC videos at

Submit your 2024 Times at