The Low Down on the Odyssey Relay CSAUP Challenge
As part of the F3 Naperville Region to provide a completely stupid and utterly pointless (CSAUP) Challenge we present to PAX in Teams of six to do a run-ruck-bike ride relay to every AO in one day. That is 13 AOs in about 60 miles.
Still here? Little bit more details for you about the Challenge
Six PAX will embark on a 60 mile Ragnar style race that will involve running, rucking, and cycling in the course of 24 hours between August 26 and September 10. The course covers 13 F3 Naperville AOs via 12 ‘legs’. Two members from every team must run, ruck or bike ride a leg at a time and each team member must cover at least two of the three modes of transit. As a team, each mode of transit needs to be utilized for a minimum of three legs each. This leaves three ‘wild card legs’ for the team to determine their preferred method of travel.
We are asking every team for a $30 donation to help support a worthy cause. This is a completely stupid and utterly pointless challenge. It’s is all in the name of DISRUPTION!
Nitty Gritty and Questions Everyone is asking us
How many PAX in a team?
Each team must have six PAX each.
How do I sign up?
Sign up your team at this Google Survey link.
How many PAX per leg?
Two pax from each team go together to keep each other safe and accountable.
I’m not a runner. Do I have to run?
You as an individual must cover two modes of transportation. As a team, each mode of transit needs to be utilized for a minimum of three legs each. This leaves three ‘wild card legs’ for the team to determine their preferred method of travel.
EXAMPLE: An individual teammate can bike ride between Foxboro and Black Panther, ruck between Two Wolves and Outpost, and ruck again between Dark Tower and Levee.
What does the map look like?
You can look at the map down below by clicking this link.
Can I start at any AO?
No, someone from your team must start at Foxboro.
Can I decide which legs we run, ruck or ride?
As a team you can strategize what legs are best for each discipline as long as the minimum of three legs for each discipline is met.
What are the dates we can do this relay?
Any date between August 26 to September 10.
Can we spread out the challenge over many days?
No. Once you start you have 24 hours to complete the challenge.
Can a teammate cover back to back legs?
Yes. As a team you can strategize what legs are best for each discipline and participant. Participants must cover at least two legs via two different modes of transportation. As long as this requirement is met, there is no max to the number of legs run by a single PAX.
EXAMPLE: An individual Teammate can bike ride between Foxboro and Black Panther, ruck between Black Panther and Buzz Saw, and ruck again between Buzz Saw and La Luz.
What do we win if our team has the fastest time completing the challenge?
Pride. You get the satisfaction of knowing you are the best. We will give a shout out to the following achievements:
- Most Miles Run – Team and Individual
- Most Miles Rucked – Team and Individual
- Most Miles Biked – Team and Individual
- Best overall time
Where does my team make their $30 donation?
You can choose to donate to The F3 Naperville Foundation or to a Maui Recovery Relief Fund. We will ask you where your team donated on the time submission sheet due to come out on August 25.
How does my team get from one point to the other?
That’s up to every team. This is a Ragnar Style event. The idea is that every team will have a car or minivan and meet up at the end of every designated point to tag the next PAX.
How do we keep track of our times?
That is up to you but will will have a reporting system Team Captains will be asked to submit. After the data is submitted our highly trained dedicated crack pots will crunch the numbers on T-81 Calculators and report the results on social media, slack, and F3Naperville.com.
Is the course safe?
F3 is a free workout, open to all men of all fitness levels. Everyone who participates in any F3 event, does so at their own discretion and assumes all risks of injury and/or death.
The Odyssey CSAUP Relay Challenge (“Challenge”) is not a requirement for F3 membership. Everyone who participates is doing so voluntarily and understanding all of the risks involved.
The Challenge, including the disciplines involved and the routes are suggestions only, and similar to everything else related to F3, are optional and should be modified as needed.
The Challenge-course route does cross streets and does require PAX to traverse terrain where no sidewalks are present. PAX understand the risks involved in crossing such streets and terrain.
Again, participation in the Challenge is voluntary and all risks are assumed by the participants. All participants release the leadership of F3 Nation, The F3 Naperville Region and The F3 Naperville Foundation from any and all losses sustained or injuries suffered.
What does the map look like?
There are 12 Legs totaling 60 miles cover 13 of the 14 F3 Naperville’s AOs.
- Foxboro to Black Panther – 9.17 mi
- Black Panther to Buzz Saw – 3.51 mi
- Buzz Saw To La Luz – 11 mi
- La Luz to The Mammoth – 2.86 mi
- The Mammoth to Citadel – 4.07 mi
- Citadel to Two Wolves – 3.99 mi
- Two Wolves to Outpost – 2.25 mi
- Outpost to Complex – 5.22 mi
- Complex To Dark Tower – 5.36 mi
- Dark Tower to Levee – 2.79 mi
- Levee To Launchpad – 3.83 mi
- Launchpad to Iron Lion – 5.89 mi
Step By Step Directions
Text Step By Step directions that should take you to each AO's Flag drop off point.
Known Hazards On The Course
Here are some reported hazards along the course. Please plan and modify as necessary. Please reach out to Stay-Puft on Slack so this article can be updated if you know of any hazards.

Grove Road Construction On Leg 1 Between Foxboro and Black Panther
Reported by Parks and Rec on August 23, 2023. Vehicles will not be able to drive through this area. The paved trail that runs along the west side of the road is still open.