YUGE Announcement!

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LT4.0 Set!! Announcing the Flag Passing

It is again with the deepest gratitude and great excitement we announce the final “flag passing” for LT3.0.

Again, as stated earlier this year, obviously LT 3.0 faced ridiculous challenges in 2020, and no one on our team had to sacrifice more or work harder than our CommzQ, TPS Report! His contribution to the continued acceleration and success of our region cannot be overstated nor can my gratitude for all he’s done!

Please join me in thanking him and wishing him continued success as he passes his Commz Q Flag to our current 1st F Q, Tonka

We are just as excited to announce the most recent addition to our LT 4.0!  With a tremendous amount of consideration about how to round out this team we ultimately continued to circle back to this HIM, we initially assumed would not have time for the role.  He unquestionably is the perfect PAX for this position so we asked anyway and we are very excited he accepted. Please help me congratulate Wet Wipe as our 1st F Q for LT 4.0!!!

Naturally, with the Commz transition, the Commz Alumni team couldn’t just leave it to a Slack announcement. Check out the shenanigans below!