09/07/2021 - La Luz - 2 Ton Gauntlet

AO: La Luz

When: 09/07/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Aladdin, Chihuahua, Journeyman, Road Trip, The Wedding Planner, Urkel,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 4

FNG Names: Algorithm, Baby Gloss, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Magoo

QIC: Ukrel


THE SCENE: A clear 65 Degrees with 5 mph winds. Wind didn’t help though because it was a burner today!




-Welcome to F3

-I am not a professional

-You are participating at your own risk

-You are responsible for your own well-being

-You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here

-Know your limits and do the best you can, all exercises can be modified and are only suggestions.



-Good Mornings (ICx10)

-SSH (ICx25)

-Mountain Climbers (ICx20)

-Goof Balls (IC x20)

The Thang

THANG 1: 2 Ton Gauntlet

PAX broke off into 2 teams with 5 PAX members per team on different sides of the AO where we used SUV/ Impala to push during the workout. 

-PAX performed sets of exercises while they pushed a car/ SUV around the parking lot.  First team to have the most exercises completed before time was up won. (We were all winners and losers today. Winners because we all finished just about the same amount. Losers because we all finished and it hurt like hell!)


-Deep Goblet Squats x25

-Cross Beam Lunges x25

-Blockees x20

-Calf Raises on Coupon x30

-Sand Bag Over Head Power Clean x10

-Conduit Curls w/Coupon x25

-Spider-man Urkins x25

-Over Head Press x25


THANG 1: 2 Ton Coupon Sprint Race

Six 2 ton vehicles and a whole lotta road for a solid sprint race. There and for the winner, back.  By the end, everybody hated it, but in a really good way. It was a good day!

Circle of Trust

6 MoM:

-Leg up LBCs

– Wide Arm Heel Touches


-High Plank



10 Really Strong HIMs- Aladdin, Road Trip, Wedding Planner, Baby Gloss, Journey Man, Algorithm (RESPECT), Chihuahua, Mr. Magoo, Dr. Seuss, Urkel (QIC)




Today, we prayed for Appletini’s brother, Tom, Aladdin’s mother-in-law, Maria, and Rusty who is working through recovery.

Naked Man Moleskin


Influence.  What kind of influence are you?  I have been blessed for the last 18 years to be able to teach children an influence young minds.  Take the time to make an impact on someone, to influence them in a positive way.  No matter your age, someone is looking up to you and needs your guidance.  Be influential, be impactful!  SYITG. 


We are strong, We grow, We build, We succeed! Here’s to the men of F3 Naperville!


Did I do that?!

Yes, yes I did!


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