06/01/2020 - Virtuosity -

AO: Virtuosity

When: 06/01/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Backstage, Bean Counter, Blackeye, Blowout, Car Seat, Handy Manny, Mr. Hankey, Rand McNally, Twinning, Uncle Rico, Wrong Turn,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Blackeye

QIC: Uncle Rico


YHC’s time to lead a Virtual Q! A major calorie burn sesh was promised, without any running.


Neck Rolls – 5/side

Reverse Lunge Horse thingy’s



Let’s roll…..

The Thang

Thang 1: 11’s to get the blood flowing and bodies further warmed up

4-count SSH’s + 4-ct Mountain Climbers. No activity in between, just knock em out

Thang 2: 20 min AMRAP

2 Burpees + 3 Coupon Swings + 4 Overhead Presses…3 Burpees + 4 Swings + 5 OH Presses…add 1 rep to all 3 exercises after each round…for 20 minutes. This is where things can really heat up without really moving much at all

Thang 3: 6-minute AMRAP

2 Mary Catherine’s (Bonnie Blair’s with hands over head) + 11 Curls…4 MC’s + 11 Curls…6 MC’s + 11 Curls…keep adding 2 MC’s while keeping the Curls at 11.


“Outlaw’s”: feet in flutter kick position and make big O’s with your feet. 10 to the right, 10 to the left.



Circle of Trust

Lots going on all around us these days. It feels like we haven’t even really talked about COVID for a week with all the unrest and fallout from George Floyd’s homicide. I ventured away from trying to be profound or philosophical this morning so thought I’d share a little list I had seen from a fitness personality a few weeks ago re: “How to be a real Man”

  • Keep your commitments
  • Practice good manners
  • Say what needs to be said
  • Put in effort to eat well and train your body
  • Provide for your loved ones
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously


Naked Man Moleskin

Had a fun time with this one. That Thang 2 can gas you real quick once you get about halfway through and those burpees trend towards double digits. Was excited to put the men through it. I really enjoy the Bro Garage that Backstage has every morning on Virtuosity. Rand McNally almost always there, and now Black Eye joining too. Since they’re together they can mumblechatter much easier and they don’t go on mute so it’s a nice little background noise haha.

I think it’s great how the virtual workouts have continued. Even with AO’s back “open” now, having a safe haven for men to come start their morning with the DRP is awesome. We all want to be back in the Gloom in person, and we all have our reasons to either do so or not, but for F3 Naperville to continue providing this judgment-free opportunity is great. And with attendance nearly double digits every morning it’s certainly still needed! Keep rockin it, boyz!

Be kind out there,

Uncle Rico

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