03/04/2023 - Black Panther - 3 types of acceleration

AO: Black Panther

When: 03/04/2023


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: bedpan


It was a beautiful morning for a beatdown.  Sun was out and the ground was not wet.

I was looking forward to bringing a 1 hour burner to BP.  Trying out a new thang which brought together all 3 types of acceleration.  You think to yourself “Will this workout turn out how I envisioned it”?  I think it did.  The PAX got smoked and stronger today.


SSH x 25

Mosey around the lot to example the 4 corners

Abe Vi Goda x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Good Mornings x 10

Arm Circles x 10

Calf Stretch


The Thang

THANG 1: Indian run (split pax into two groups.  Indian run the southern loop, around hill, school play ground, and back to flags)

*Acceleration 1:  you determine how fast and hard you sprint to the front.  Will you just mosey enough to get to the front?  Will you sprint to the front?  Will you slow down after a few sprints?  This acceleration is all about you.

THANG 2: Partner Dora to Failure (ask pax to pair up with a similar fitness level and hopefully someone you don’t normally partner with)

Exercises; There was no rep count.  You and your partner perform the exercise till failure.  Communicate your breaking point and hopefully your partner has a little left to push you for a few more reps.  Once to failure, run up and over the hill, 3 x Burpee, and run back over.  Repeat till all exercises complete.

  1. Curls
  2. Shoulder Press
  3. Squat
  4. Merkin
  5. Bent over rows

*Acceleration 2: if we are working to failure on our own, we will almost always leave some on the table or let our mind tell us to quit.  When you have a partner holding you accountable, you will definitely dig in that cookie jar for a few more reps.  ##StrongTogether

THANG 3: Pushing through when gassed (split PAX into 5 groups and assign each group to a different corner to start at)

One PAX will toss the sandbag twice as the other PAX follow along with the designated movement.  The next PAX will toss the sandbag twice as the other PAX follow along with the designated movement.  Rinse and repeat until reaching the next corner.

Corner 1:  Carolina Dry Dock in cadence x 20 – Lunge Walk

Corner 2: Freddie Mercury in cadence x 20 – Bear crawl

Corner 3: Dips on parking curb x 40 – Lunge Walk

Corner 4: American Hammer in cadence x 20 – Bear Crawl

*Acceleration 3:  How do you perform when you are smoked.  This is what GTE is all about.  You can learn a lot about yourself when the men around you are pushing forward.  How do you react when SMOKED?  If you are not going to die, keep pushing.


Wide Leg Sit Up x 15

Hold Plank till 6

Circle of Trust

You get out of F3 and Life what you put into it.  As my fitness and mental toughness has improved with F3, I now understand that incremental acceleration you can choose to attain each bootcamp.  I designed the bootcamp to focus on 3 types of acceleration.  You read about each one in the Thang summary.  F3 works because you get up to support the men around you.  You than have the choice to go through the motions or accelerate.  This is an interesting mind shift.  Once you embrace it, your acceleration increases drastically.  The once hard things become normal, and you seek the next level.  I ask all of you to start getting to that mindset.  It is a beautiful place.


Naked Man Moleskin

I had to call an audible for the sake of time.  When i was running back over the hill and saw 3 partner groups still doing curls and not giving up, I knew we needed to tell them to move on.  That was awesome to see.

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