01/19/2023 - Mammoth - Animal House Takes on the Mammoth
AO: Mammoth
When: 01/19/2023
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Animal House
Come join YHC as we take on the Mammoth as I visit, yet again, another part of my old stomping grounds. This time I won’t be walking the links while chasing down hooks and slices while swearing indefinitely! (ok, probably will still be doing that).
We’ll be moving about the AO a bit so bring those good shoes
We’ll work those and
so bring that coupon
Protect those soft hands by bringing good
and break out the fanciest of
Ready to see what The House Of Animal has in store for the Wooly?
Good Mornings (10)
Through The Tunnel* (10)
Tai Fighters – left leg forward/arms forward (10)
Tai Fighters- right leg forward/arms backward (10)
Willy Mays Hays**- (10)
Motivators from 6
*Through the Tunnel is a Tappy Tap variation, where the 1,2,3 progresses the stretch with the arms stretching through and passed the legs
** Willy Mays Hays is a side to side leg stretch. Similar to the way a base-runner would lean towards a base they are going to steal. Counted in cadence
The Thang
Pax counted off in 1s and 2s. Coupons were grabbed and we moseyed to the playground in two lines on the Island West of the Flags.
Thang 1: Circle of Pain (each exercises counted by one of the Pax on their down or up)
Curls- 25
Bent Over Rows- 25
Skull Crushers- 25
Overhead Press- 25
Squats – 25
Blockies- 10
Thang 2: Coupons stayed at the playground, the group resumed jogging in their two lines as we followed the path on the island with 4 stops for PT
Stop 1– (near the cornhole boards)
Merkins- 25
LBCs- 25
Air Squats- 25
Jog to Stop 2 – near first dock (Circle up)
Ring of Fire- 5 Merkins
Jog to stop 3 – near 3rd dock (Circle up)
Air Squat Wave (10)
Jog to stop 4– Pavilion to the right of the park West (Circle Up)
Mountain Climbers- 25
Return to our Coupons, resume 2 lines and Mosey back to the flags and hold for the 6
Thang 3: Mosey to the fence of the Phillips Park Zoo
Let Me Ins- (25) (standing merkin leaning into the fence and pushing away from the fence)
Mosey 50 yards to chain link fence section
Mike Tysons- (10)
Return to the Flag for Mary:
Flutter Kicks- (15)
Big Boys- (25)
Supermans- (10)
Willy Mays Hays (10)
Sampson Hold (20 seconds per side)
Recover Recover
Circle of Trust
Ball of Man:
One of the key focuses of the workout was that all the men showing up to post are leaders and that is why I included them in the counts as we progressed through various exercise reps. EVERY Pax contributed to the workout as we got stronger together.
I am still building my SLT for the West Sub-Region, thanks to Road Trip for jumping in as the 2nd F and likely Sun Devil as my Growth Q.
I told the Pax I’ll only be as strong in the role of Nan’Tan as the feedback I am getting. Good and Bad. I asked the Pax to keep pulse on the needs of the various AOs so that we can grow together, in the right way and in the right areas.
Naked Man Moleskin
La Bamba braved the East Side despite being a West Aurora BlackHawk, walking into the Tomcat region and kicking the Mastodon in the teeth.