01/25/2020 - The Ridge - AO VQ Recycle

AO: The Ridge

When: 01/25/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Appletini, Boston Butt, Captain Underpants, Coldcuts, Dilly Dilly, Hackman, SoccerMom, Tourniquet, Uncle Rico, Uncle Si, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:



Conditions: 25F (feels like) degrees, light snow, ground was wet snow covered with a slushy underlayer

Circle for COP. Disclaimer – you are here on your own volition, because you want to get better. It’s cold; Hopefully you came prepared; I am no professional, but we are here to get after it. Aye!

This was my AO VQ at The Ridge.  Thanks for having me!



  1. SSH- x30 IC
  2. Mosey around the lot for butt kicks and karaoke until Coldcuts and Cap arrived
  3. Yoga – Down Dog, Right Leg High, R knee to L elbow, Right leg high, R knee to nose, Low lunge, Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2, Triangle, Chaturanga; flap jack for left side

Mosey over near the soccer field for:

The Thang

Thang #1 – 4 Corners AMRAP 20min

  1. Corner 1 – Mary Catherine’s x40
  2. Corner 2 – Squat x30
  3. Corner 3 – Merkin x20
  4. Corner 4 – Burpee x10

We started the first exercise, and it was then I was accused of recycling a prior Q.  Your darn right…it was on Monday at Iron Lion.  “Shove it sideways Appletini and work” may have been the response. We all made it 3.5 rounds, then we met in the middle of the soccer field for:

Thang #2 – Suicide Burpee ladder x3

We lined up on the goal line of the soccer field, turned at midfield, ran back to the goal line and then all the way to the opposite goal line.

Mosey to the flags, grab coupons and mosey to the bottom of the hill for:

Thang # – 1/2 Dora – Submarine Lunge (50), Burpees (100), Coupon Swings (150); partner 1 does the work, P2 runs the hill

PAX were smoked at this point.


  1. Eagle Crunches IC x15
  2. Split leg (90 degree angle) crunches – IC x10 each side; arms behind head, crunch up, back down, then twist (leading with armpit, not elbow) to the side of the raised leg; Flapjack
  3. Captain Thor 1:4 – 5:20

Circle of Trust

  1. CoR/NoR – no FNGs
  2. Announcements
  3. TAPS

In COT a shared a rather hilarious persuasive letter that my 13 year old wrote about getting a family dog. The kicker is that she is the one of the 3 that is allergic.

Naked Man Moleskin

I head from multiple PAX that this one was a burner.  I clocked 800 calories and know that Tourniqet had almost 1100.

It is always fun to workout in the snow with good mummblechatter and snowballs flying, some of which land in the wrong spot for the second week in a row. #yourenotaloneRusty

Thank you for the privilege of leading you this morning men.

FIB Out!

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