08/13/2021 - Black Panther - AOVQ at BP – Just in Time!

AO: Black Panther

When: 08/13/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Dick Cheney, DJ Sump Pump, Half Price, Judge Smails, Milton, Nala, O'Douls, Parks and Rec, Stand Up, Title IX,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala


Got to bed a bit later than I should have last night, so when the alarm went off at 4:30, I was NOT ready to go, but dragged myself out of the bed anyway – after all who doesn’t show up to their own Q? Got ready to get out the door. Plenty of time. Went to the garage, and realized I needed to run back inside for my speaker. Oops. Back inside and grabbed it. One minute lost, no biggie. Made it back to the garage and then spent much longer than I should have looking for a bucket of sidewalk chalk. Seems like when we moved, perhaps it didn’t come with us (although I could have sworn my nieces played with it on the sidewalk). Finally gave up, ran into the office and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Ready to go, got into the car and buckled up. 4:55 am. Crap.


Fortunately, there isn’t much traffic on the road and I made it to BP and out of the car with a minute to spare (literally a minute). Pax were circled up and ready to go, so it was time to start. Core principles and disclaimer were said and off we went. 


20 SSH in cadence (DJ Sump Pump pulled in here with squealing tires, so the Q was NOT the last to arrive.) 

10 Tappy Taps in Cadence

Keep arms up for 15 Arm Circles forward, 15 arm circles backward, 20 Grady Corn, 10 Abe Vigotas (all in cadence)

Capri lap around the lot


Grab coupons and head for the pavilion.

The Thang

Thang one 


AMRAP Circuit


10 Burpees

15 Overhead Press

20 Curls

25 Chest Press

30 Squats

Do a lap around the parking lot


Rinse and repeat until I call time.  I think everyone made it through 3 times before 5:45. Half Price is a beast and was getting ready to run again, but I asked him to hold up until everyone made it in so we could move to thang 2.

Thang 2

Tempo/Balance work – 

stand on right leg only 

10 tempo curls, 10 tempo overhead press, 10 tempo bulgarian squats (right leg forward, left toe on bench)

Left leg – do the same

Rinse and repeat entire set.



20 LBC in cadence

15 Flutter Kicks in cadence

14 Swimmers in Cadence (WTF? 14?? SMH…)

15 Heel Touches in Cadence

14 Manatees in Cadence

Stand up and do a bit of stretching for 30 seconds until 6

Circle of Trust

YHC has been focused on finding the good things in life. It is easy to see the bad things – not enough money, house isn’t nice enough, job sucks, 2.0s are a pain. When we do this, it can not only rob our joy, but also steal the joy from others. Focus on the blessings we have and how lucky we are, rather than what we don’t have and pour joy back into others.


Prayers for said, with a special mention for Elway’s brother, Blowfish’s M, and Half Price’s friend.

Naked Man Moleskin

This was the first time I Qd at BP. I was disappointed in myself for getting there late, mainly because the HIMs that frequent BP are awesome, and a bit of mumblechatter before the beatdown would have been great.

It was great to meet Title IX and Stand Up.

Half Price – you are a beast – not only setting the pace, but also adding the coupon to squats for good measure.

Milton, way to push brother!

Parks and Rec, always a pleasure brother.

Dick Cheney, I appreciate the smile that never seems to leave your face, no matter how much I tried to make it suck.

DJ Sump Pump, glad you made it back from Vegas with enough $$ gas up the car and make it out today!

Stand Up, appreciated the support – the balance stuff gets me too, definitely highlights a weakness in all of those stability muscles I seem to lack.

Title IX, great to meet you, we are definitely better with you in our brotherhood!

Judge Smails, thank you for the tap on the shoulder to come out to BP, it was a pleasure, and I’ll be out again before too long – there is too much at BP to enjoy to stay in the pavilion and parking lot.

O’Douls, great work as Site Q. Thanks for having my 6, and apologies for any stress I may have caused as 5:13 rolled around! 

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