02/03/2022 - Mammoth - AOVQ – Coupon is Your Friend
AO: Mammoth
When: 02/03/2022
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Snoop-a-Loop
05:15 – 2.3.2022
I’ve laid eyes on this massive AO a couple times and have a plan to mosey around and move some weight for a full body . Bring: coupons, snow apparel and an understanding that we will GATA!
-Welcome + 5 principles
-Disclaimer + Sean Carter quote
WOR – Coupons With You
-SSH IC x16
-Abe Vigodas IC x10
-Seal Claps IC x10
-Squats, On My Down (OMD) ~ 15
-Blockees x 5 OYO
-Mosey Capri lap
The Thang
– Grab coupons, mosey up road toward Visitor’s Center
Stop halfway:
– 10 Coupon Merkins OMD
– Motivators from 5
– 10 Squats OMD
– Coupon Mosey to lot across from Visitor’s Center
Thang 1:
– Elevens: Coupon curl press -> run 75 yards -> Bonnie Blairs. Everyone finish with the 6.
– Coupon Mosey back toward starting lot
Stop halfway:
– 10 Squats OMD
– Motivators from 5
– 10 Coupon Merkins OMD
-Coupon Mosey back to flags
Thang 2:
– 2 minute EMOM Timer – AMRAP each circuit
3 Circuits
– 10 Squats + 10 Big Boys
– 10 Curls + 10 Diamond Merkins
– 10 OH Press + 10 coupon swings
Ring of Fire by Flags (with coupon)
-Coupon hold at 90 degrees – 5 curls – continue holding at 90 degrees when not curling
-Coupon hold overhead – 5 overhead press – continue holding overhead when not pressing
6:00 recover, recover
Circle of Trust
Citing a Dave Ramsey quote I came across, that applies to more than just finance:
“There’s nothing wrong with emotions, until they start running your life. Take your time. Make decisions based on facts and wisdom. It’s tough to make good choices when you’re emotionally charged.”
We like to get hyped and charged up when working out in the mornings, which is great, but when making an important decision, don’t rush, use your intuition and wisdom to guide you.
Similar to what a very successful co-worker tells me often, “play chess, not checkers.” Aye!
Naked Man Moleskin
T-Claps to the Aurora (Montgomery?) city crews who had the roads and lots around The Mammoth cleared this morning. They weren’t yesterday when I did a drive by in the late afternoon, and I was having to think through alternate flag location and workout format. All for naught.
I did want to use the fountain arena with the staircases for the 11s, but in a quick recon before we started, it was heavily drifted, so audibled to the adjacent lot.
Even though we get out there early, Ray Moses Dr. does have decent traffic flowing through, so lesson learned, stick to the lots for the 11s rather than thinking you can use the main road.
Always good energy with the crew that came out this morning. I wanted to have the coupon with us the entire time so slow these speed demon runners down a bit … didn’t seem to matter. And our man Boxcutter was FLYING on the 11s. Dude’s been keeping that cardio up on the side of F3!
Appreciate you all. Till the next one!