04/29/2021 - Iron Lion - BDVQ – “I stand on the shoulders of giants . .. “
AO: Iron Lion
When: 04/29/2021
Number of Pax: 20
Pax Names: Aladdin, Baby Hands, Bongo, Boxcutter, Carmen SanDiego, FIB, Harbaugh, House Arrest, John Denver, Mellencamp, Mr. Burns, One Bar, Patchouli, RoachCoach, Sam Walton, Snorkle, Sparkler, Trickle, Uncle Rico,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Wine in A Box
One of my goals was to Q a Black Diamond workout this year, but Ive been very leery based on my fear of not being able to successfully lead from the 12.
When hootie asked for a sub this week I decided to put on my big boy pants and volunteer.
I had a plan I was working on for a few weeks, and ran it past Babyhands. I am very very thankful that he asked for a pre-plan, as I clearly had some weaknesses in it that needed to be resolved.
I was putting more and more pressure on myself as I saw the list of bad-asses starting to HC. I sure hope I dont (in the gentle words of Uncle Rico) “fuck this up”.
Slept like garbage because I was too nervous about this morning. Car loaded to the gills.
Mosey to Lisle parking lot.
SSH while I demonstrate each of the lifting exercises we will be doing.
The Thang
Team babyhands vs Team WiaB
- After our draft, I introduced the thang.
300 yards are marked off in the parking lot.
Team 1- Run 300 yards, Indian run style.
Team 2- do AMRAP style an exercise with BIG BOY coupons. If anyone on the team does a sloppy rep or falls off the pace, then the team captain (or other HIM) calls it out and that is the final rep count for that exercise. Number of reps is then logged on a whiteboard, and there is a 10 second transition where Team 1 gets set up for the exercise and Team 2 lines up for indian run.
- The faster your team runs, the LESS opportunity for the other team to complete reps.
- Push yourselves and your teammates.
All done with Big Boy coupons
- Incline Prayer press (hands in middle section of coupon, back on curb. Form is bringing it down until your wrists hit your chest.
- Bent over coupon conduit rows, palms facing downward. If it doesn’t touch your abs at the top it doesn’t count.
- Shoulder press. If you don’t “look through the window” at the bottom and dont fully extend at the top it doesn’t count.
- “coupon over knees” sit up. (on your 6. Feet six inches off the ground. Coupon held over your head. Sit up and bring your knees to your chest and the coupon OVER your knees, and touch your shin. )
- “Dark Tower” press. Hold the coupon vertically, chest press. Wrists have to hit your chest at the bottom
- Lying straight arm lat pullovers.
- Coupon conduit upright rows, middle grip. If its not to eye level it doesn’t count.
- “Conduit over knees” sit up. Same as above.
- Regular coupon chest press
- Bent over coupon conduit rows, palms facing upward.
- Hand release lion kings. Cant start next rep until all hands are off coupons.
- Big Boys
- Conduit coupon curls (palms facing up)
- Skull crushers
- Conduit coupon curls (palms facing downwards)
- Diamond merkins
- Repeat circuit if fully completed before 6am.
Circle of Trust
CoT for me was about planning. Just like Mike Tyson said “everyone has a plan until you get punched in the mouth”. Today I got punched in the mouth. Ive been working up towards Qing a Black Diamond, but wasnt quite sure if I was ready yet.
I cant thank babyhands enough for his input as I was planning this. My first ideas definitely needed some polishing before they would be ready for the new Black Diamond guidelines. I didnt want anyone that came for a black diamond beatdown to go home disappointed, and I hope that the additional planning resulted in a BD worthy Q.
Naked Man Moleskin
“I stand on the shoulders of giants”
I am humbled every single time I get the opportunity to Q. I was incredibly nervous with all the heavy hitters that were joining me at Iron Lion. The nervousness comes with not wanted to let anyone down, and from trying to hold myself to a high standard.
I have not posted with many of these HIMs very often, mainly because I need to get on their level and attend more black diamonds. 😆
My plan for a team based workout was to hold each other accountable for form and to push each other to the limit . . . and beyond. Based on three guys (including me) spilling merlot, I hope that goal was achieved.
Every thing about me working towards leading a BD is only because I stand on the shoulders of giants . . . the giants are the HIMs that make F-3 what it is. Thank you all for the opportunity to lead today and let me stand on your shoulders.
Team babyhands won the competition today, and I look forward to planning a rematch.
“If you look around and you are the smartest guy in the room . . . find a different room.” I’ll never be the fastest, strongest, fittest guy in the room . . . so thank you for all for giving me something to strive for.