12/12/2022 - Black Diamond - Bean Counter Black Diamond VQ at Two Wolves
AO: Black Diamond
When: 12/12/2022
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Preblast Black Diamond Monday 12/12 0500 at Two Wolves
Hey comfort zone…its Bean Counter…and I need to step away for a bit. I sure hope some other “non-regulars” (and regulars) join me for my Black Diamond VQ…emphasis on “V“.Will it be hard enough? Too hard? Will the plan last long enough or finish too quick? Will people enjoy themselves? … all good questions. Come out tomorrow and find out!I believe the workout will be tough but the format will allow for ALL PAX to get something out of it. So, for all PAX that have been on the fence on coming out to a Black Diamond…tomorrow is the day! Bring your coupons, shoes for pavement, holiday spirit, and HC below for a twist on a classic holiday favorite!
Got the AO WAY later than I would have liked. Pulled in at 4:57 and still needed to run up my dry erase board to the top of the hill. When nature calls though … there is no negotiating.
Anyways, I was walking towards the PAX who had circled up and started giving the 5 core principles and disclaimer as I approached them. Gordon’s made a comment that he was cold and wanted to start moving. Ok bruh…here we go! Finished up the mission statement and credo then jumped into the warm-up.
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Squats, Burpees, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers … all In Cadence. 7 Reps each, then 6, 5, etc till 1 rep each. (Similar to motivators).
Mosey to top of the stairs/hill with our coupons.
The Thang
12 Days Of Black Diamond Christmas
- Lap = Run down the stairs and up around the hill (roughly .20 miles)
- Bear Crawl DOWN 2 Flights of Stairs. Run back Up.
- Mega BDE Blockees
- Lion King Squats
- Climb Merkins
- Big Boy Coupons
- Double Curls
- Goblet Squat
- Tricep Extension
- Box Jumps
- Coupon Swings
- Blockees
Like the song… round 1 is the lap. Round 2 is the bear crawl and the lap. Round 3 is Three Mega BDE Blockees, 2 flights of Bear Crawls, and one Lap. Etc….
Most PAX got to round 10 or 11. Gordon’s maybe got to 12? Either way… I wanted to make sure we got our blockees in so… All PAX did 12 Blockees, In Cadence.
LBCs IC x 25
American Hammers W/Coupon IC x 10
Recover, recover
Circle of Trust
Count – 7
Announcements – Thanks Big Gong
Name-o-Rama – Sparkler, Wreck-It Ralph, Columbus, Blinky, Gordons, Big Gong, Bean Counter
If you live for the praise and acceptance of others, you will conversely die by their criticism.
Too often, especially in this day and age, we base our value in what others think of us. What people say about you, how many facebook ‘likes’ or IG likes we have, etc. For those who live and die by this type of praise…often times they are also hit the hardest by the criticism they receive from this same group of people. Conversely, if you live your life with love, and do things not for praise but rather out of the goodness in your heart, you won’t put as much stock into the things that they turnaround and say to you/about you.
In summary: Do things for the right reasons…not the ‘likes’ or the praise.
Naked Man Moleskin
Full transparency / moment of vulnerability… I was a little disappointed in how gassed I was this morning. Usually I get an adrenaline rush from Qing… and while I do think I got the rush…it did not translate 100% into the workout. I have no problem being ‘the six’ at a workout, but it felt a little different this morning. I was definitely keeled over a few times and I thought some merlot would even make an appearance. Not sure what that was all about. It did help to hear some of the other guys say they felt it was pretty tough too though. So I am sure it is partially that, but still wish I could have had a stronger showing out of myself personally. I can only go up from here!
AAR was great and I definitely have a few things to think about for the next one!
Always an honor – BC