04/15/2022 - The Launch Pad - Black Diamond Boot Camp
AO: The Launch Pad
When: 04/15/2022
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Serena
@channel THURSDAY 4/14 0500 @ Launchpad
Join YHC for a
workout tomorrow morning as I hand over the BD site Q duties to one of the finest HIM’s in F3 Naperville. Want to know about the workout and who that may be? See ya tomorrow!
Tappy Taps
Motivators from 5
The Thang
Thang 1 – .75 mile run 7:15 pace
Thang 2 – 12 – 50 yard sprints….circle up at 50 yard line and perform the following ladder of burpees, hand release merkins, and jump squats in cadence. We began with the burpee x 1 rep, then HRM x 1 rep, then tempo jump squat x 1 rep, 2 of each in cadence, 3 of each in cadence… up to 10 reps and then back down to 1. Shared duties with the PAX in counting cadence. This was a good 20 minute ladder.
Thang 3 – Team relay races – Partner 1 crab walk to the 50, Bear Crawl to the goal line, sprint 100 yards back. Partner 2 holds a plank. If anyone touches the ground to rest your team is disqualified.
Thang 4 – Ad lib under the pavilion (quietly). Step ups (40). Dips (25) 100 second wall sit while asking the PAX every 10 seconds to name one word they think of for Black Diamonds. I lied 150 seconds.
Thang 5 – .75 mile back to the flag 7:15 pace
Mary – Rocky Balboas, Dip position plank holds, Rocky Balboas, Dip position plank holds, 25 Dips. 6am!
Circle of Trust
I asked the PAX to go down the line during the wall sits to name words they thought of to describe Black Diamonds. Words shouted included perseverance, determination, all out, competition, fellowship, and more. Each Guy at the BD today had a great individual story to tell about their journey and I shared with them my recollections of their journeys.
Glenn – strength, speed improving…started F3 with no desire to attend a boot camp. Top 5 BD attendance.
Bush Push – 1 year in and has improved his speed by over 1 minute per mile and was already an 8:15 mile guy for 4-5 miles
Putt Putt – Has gone from a 9:30 pace runner who had never ran more than 4-5 miles seriously to having completed a half marathon in the low 8s.
Augustus Gloop – Joined me 19 months ago for our first Black Diamond together. We helped bring up the rear for a 500 yard bear crawl smoke show by Smokey. A week later I helped bring up the rear again on a 2 mile out of the gates run to Naperville North led by Rico.
Doback – dude has been on fire in terms of improvement at Black Diamonds since he started them 5 weeks ago.
BassMaster – Well he was in pretty damn good shape when he started F3 but he was not a runner and has improved his overall cardio and boot camp stamina dramatically. Has a goal of 100 BD’s in 2022.
Black Diamonds are a a great opportunity to test yourself. You’re not testing yourself against others. You’re testing yourself with one another so that you can test yourself to the best of YOUR ability and the best way to do that is with your brothers that are luck enough to have this opportunity each and every day. Keep coming back to Black Diamonds but each time you do the guy next to you is going to push you one step farther than the previous week.
Can’t wait to watch Augustus Gloop do what he does best as new BD site Q. Humbly lead from the front, middle, and back depending on what it takes and what is best for the pack on a given day.
Prayers for Doback’s cousin Jessica.
Naked Man Moleskin
Really appreciated Ball Boy making it out this morning.