02/03/2022 - Dark Tower - Black Diamond Boot Camp at Dark Tower
AO: Dark Tower
When: 02/03/2022
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Serena
PREBLAST THURSDAY 2/3 0500 @ DARK TOWER. Final plan will depend on weather conditions but any way it shakes out we will get after it. HC
** Bring your coupons
SSH in cadence (25)
Arm Circles in cadence (15 forward/reverse)
Tempo Squats (30)
Mosey to the NCHS lot by the football field
The Thang
Thang 1 – Crowd Pleasers – 1 Merkin, 1 Groiner, 2Merkin, 2 Groiner all the way up to 5 and then ladder back down to 1. First time trying these and they are a doozy. Harbaugh was whining early on these ones.
400 M run
Thang 2 – 3 cones – 20 yards, 30 yards, 40 yards – Partner up at the start line :
10 Curls, 10 Rows, 10 Merkins and Rifle carry to the 20 yard cone and do 10 Thrusters and rifle carry back to start.
20 Curls, 20 Rows, 20 Merkins and Rifle carry to the 30 yard cone and do 20 Thrusters and rifle carry back to start.
30 Curls, 30 Rows, 30 Merkins and Rifle carry to the 40 yard cone and do 30 Thrusters and rifle carry back to start.
400 M run
Thang 3 – Wheelbarrow with partner 10 yards – 2 durkins, wheelbarrow 10 yards – 4 durkins, wheelbarrow 10 yards – 6 durkins…switch places (this was shorter than expected and was originally planned for in the snow but I wussed out and audibled so the PAX wouldn’t be eating snow, In retrospect I should have done 2 rounds of this or gone up to 8 or 10.
Mosey to little side field next to tennis courts off Hillside Ave.
No surrenders in 8-9 inches of snow, tempo squats, no surrenders again
Quick pit stop for Smokey and Wide Right to wrestle on a massive snow hill for 60 seconds (got awkward quick)
Thang 4 – Repeat Thang 1 (Crowd Pleasers)
Thang 5 – Curl off on Serena’s up – tried to vary up speeds between fast and slow to change intensity and create burn.
Mosey back for Mary
Monkey Humper circle of death up to 5
American Hammers in cadence (30)
LBC’s in cadence (30)
Heel touches in cadence (30)
High Plank, low plan, one arm plank on my call until 6am
Circle of Trust
Keep your EH game strong. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Smokey and Tonka reminding me for 6 months straight that I should come out. Glenn and BassMaster wouldn’t be here had I not given them the extra push to come out. Slumlord wouldn’t be here if Wide Right didn’t invite him out. We are so lucky and fortunate to be in this position where we get to come out every damn day for a free men’s workout and form great bonds and relationships with other like minded men. Continue to invite others, don’t give up on others after a first invite. Spread the word.
Naked Man Moleskin
– Had Planned to punish the PAX with more tempo squats but Smokey’s mumblechatter was non stop right out of the gate. Talking about absolutely nothing at all.
– It was not intentional to punish Blinky for not wearing pants. The snow was in the plan to make people uncomfortable and have dun in the elements. I think he may need to work on his dress code. Props to him for not modifying in shorts.
– The curl off was a lot of fun. Several of us pushed Bjorn and Smokey right up until the final seconds. Smokey and I estimated that we did 120-140 curls straight at varying speeds. Great work by everyone.
– Shoutout to Slumlord for hopping in the BD lineup a couple times here recently. Keep accelerating even if you are a Sox fan.
Thanks to all the PAX who helped me jump my car after the workout. You will be happy to know that Auto Zone too great care of this big booty bitch at 745am this morning.