05/10/2021 - Iron Lion - BLACK DIAMOND – Lincoln games style. WE DONT GET UP FOR EASY.
AO: Iron Lion
When: 05/10/2021
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names: Baby Hands, ChainLink, Hootie, House Arrest, Mellencamp, Nosejob, Urban Cowboy,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Wine in A Box
Second black diamond Q . . . because no one else wanted to Q a BD the week of Lincoln Games apparently.
Had a Q in mind for a mix of heavy lifting and running for a BD. Thankfully it workout out ok with a great burn for everyone.
Conditions were perfect . . . cold with no freaking gnats.
Some of us did the 3 miles ruck before the Black Diamond . . . whoo boy . . this will be a long week.
The Thang
Line up at the south end zone. 8 cones have been set from end zone to the opposite end zone.
Each pax has their coupon and a big boy coupon. Designed for an irregular weight load, this challenges us to compensate and grow.
Farmers carry the coupons to the first cone. do 10 exercises, then run back to the starting line and back to your coupons “suicide ladder style”. Pick up your coupons farmers carry (but switching arms for the Big Boy coupon) and go to the next cone for 10 reps, then run back to the starting line. Continue this all the way to the opposite end zone. (so a total of 70 reps per exercise)
- Abyss merkins
- bent over coupon rows with Big Boy
- Shoulder press with Big Boy coupons
- Dips
- DOUBLE coupon curls (hard)
- DOUBLE coupon squats (very hard)
Dilly Dillys for Mary
Circle of Trust
CoT is about taking care of yourself. This week for Lincoln games will be brutal, and PAX will be pushing themselves to the limit for their teams. Dont forget to eat well, stay hydrated, stretch and take care of your bodies. Remember . . our families are depending on us to stay healthy and productive too, so we owe it to them to NOT injure ourselves. Dont neglect self care this week, support your team, and have FUN!!!
Our Father
Naked Man Moleskin
Second Black Diamond. Love it. One thing that I love about black diamonds is the HIMs that attend. The PAX that attend black diamonds represent the pinnacle of physical fitness in F-3 Naperville, and its humbling to lead a workout and have them say they enjoyed it. These are the HIMs that keep me pushing harder and harder to get faster, stronger, keep going longer, etc. Thank you all for giving me someone to chase.
A lot of guys took it easy and didnt go to a BD this week in favor of Lincoln Games. Thank you for not getting up for easy. (I was regretting the 3 mile ruck ahead of time around the 45 minute mark . . lol)
- Hootie- Hope the pec tendon is feeling OK. Honored that you were calling out your team members to attend.
- Chainlink- I have no idea how you and House Arrest can just casually chat while working out while I am desperately trying to get every molecule of oxygen in my bloodstream. I low key kinda hate you for that . . 😉
- House Arrest- Coming in hot then just easily destroying a workout without breaking a sweat. Sigh. Its like trying to out work the Terminator everytime you are on the field.
- Mellencamp- Just f’ing killing it. I was openly swearing at Hootie during the draft when he sniped you RIGHT BEFORE MY PICK, and today is an example of why. Great f’ing job.
- Urban Cowboy- I totally agree with you . . the workout seemed like everyone was flying at first, then definitely slowed down as the exercises caught up with us. 600 yards of heavy farmers carry will do that.
- Nosejob- Just casually chatting along and running like an antelope. Jeez. Damn soccer players can run all day . . .;)
- Babyhands- Great site Q and the guy I’ll eternally be chasing. Appreciate the push, and thats why I love working out next to you . . . you dont let anyone slow down or lighten up, which is awesome.