04/13/2023 - Black Panther - Boot Camp – Using Bricks

AO: Black Panther

When: 04/13/2023


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:



Coupons are not the only instrument we can incorporate in our bootcamps.  Bricks are just as useful in  challenging our grip strength, arms, shoulders, core, and legs.


12- Good Morning

12- Tappy Taps

12- Michael Phelps

Mosey (around parking lot)

12- Tie Fighters (each side)

The Thang

Thang #1:


Three cones are set up about 120 yds apart along a loop.  The loop includes part of the parking lot and all of the white clay trail (⅕ mile).

One Pax runs the loop while the other Pax remains at the cone and performs an exercise using two bricks.  Exercise OYO or IC until the Pax returns from running.

All Pax mosey with their bricks to the next cone.

Another Pax runs around the loop and those remaining perform another brick exercise. Exercise OYO or IC until the Pax returns from running.  

All Pax mosey with their bricks to the next cone.

Rinse and repeat until all Pax have run the loop at least one time.

Exercises performed with bricks::

  • Arnold Press
  • Alternating Staggered Merkins.
  • Goblet Squat
  • Upright Row to a Front Raise
  • Plank to a Side Plank with a lateral raise (alternating sides)
  • Standing Lunge with a lateral raise at the bottom (alternating legs)
  • Overhead Sit-ups
  • Suitcase Swings
  • Kneeling Get ups (alternating legs)
  • Standing Tricep Extensions


Thang #2:


Set-up four cones 50 yds apart to form a rough circle.  Incorporate part of the hill in the course.

Pax will run with two bricks around the cones.  

When finished Pax perform three exercises with their bricks:

  • 5 Squat Jumps
  • 5 Plank Walk-Outs with a Merkin
  • 5 Grady Corns

Rinse and Repeat (Run followed by Exercises)



15- Leg Raises- 4ct. IC

15- Alternating Heel Touch- 4ct. IC

15- Freddie Mercury (4ct. IC)

15 (each side)- Lying Side Crunches- 4ct. IC


Circle of Trust

Being the QiC is something that helps me prepare both physically and mentally.  It helps me break out the way I normally think about myself, as well.  I take an internal inventory of myself and make sure I am in a place where I can have an impact on the Pax that are going to post at my workout.  Often we tie our identity with our performance, but actually, we should be focusing on who we are not on what we do.  This requires some effort to clear away the preconditions we place on ourselves before we consider ourselves worthy.  Spend time with yourself and appreciate who you are and I believe you will have the kind of influence that will benefit others as well as yourself.

Naked Man Moleskin

We stayed together for most of the workout; and despite having no music, there was plenty of motivation and mumblechatter.