10/26/2021 - Virtuosity - Bout that Action Boss
AO: Virtuosity
When: 10/26/2021
Number of Pax: 3
Pax Names: Bean Counter, Flutie Flakes, Frogger,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
That was fun @channel … Let’s do it again! M is out of town. Can’t leave the 2.0’s alone at home even though they will be sleeping
! Let’s get after it anyways from the convenience of your own driveway. Grab your coupon and join me at 5:15am tomorrow for another installment of “Pop-up Virtuosity”! Again … mark off 25 yards (I can’t stray too far from the driveway) and use the link below. See you in the virtual gloom!
5 core principals recited. Disclaimer stated. Off we go.
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Motivators from 6
Abe Vigota’s IC x 10
The Thang
Thang 1 – Super 11’s – Stolen from Sweet G
100 Chest Press Run 25 yards out and back
10 Plank Jacks Run 25 yards out and back
90 Bent Over Row Run 25 yards out and back
20 Mountain Climbers Each Leg is 1 Run 25 yards out and back
80 Chest Press …30 Plank Jacks
70 Bent Over Row … 40 Mtn Climbers
60 Chest Press … 50 Plank Jacks
50 Bent Over Row … 60 Mtn Climbers
40 Chest Press … 70 Plank Jacks
30 Bent Over Row … 80 Mtn Climbers
20 Chest Press … 90 Plank Jacks
10 Bent Over Row … 100 Mtn Climbers
Thang 2 – Follow Me!
Round 1 – Burpees
I do 1 Burpee, then PAX do 1 Burpee, 2, 2, 3, 3, etc up to 5, then back down to 1. High Knee or Recover between sets.
Round 2 – Jump Squats
I do 1 Jump Squat then PAX do 1 jump squat, 2, 2, 3, 3, etc up to 5, then back down to 1. Hold Squat in between sets.
Captain Thor 1 Big Boy Sit up, 4 American Hammers, 2 Big Boys, 8 American Hammers, etc. We made it up to 7 Big Boys and 28 American Hammers.
Circle of Trust
Count – 3
Announcements – Check Slack for National Events
Name o Rama
Yesterday I talked about making sure that we are taking care of our M’s. Making sure that they have some time to themselves too. Between that suggestion and all of the other suggestions, advice, or just general stories that we hear during CoT’s in the gloom, it makes me realize how fortunate we all are. How lucky are we that we have this space to openly discuss and also LISTEN to each other’s words of encouragement. So many valuable lessons learned. However, something I came across this morning really made me think:
It is not the knowledge you absorb, it is the knowledge you apply.
Let’s make sure we are soaking up all the words of encouragement. All of the lessons. All of the inspiration. But let’s make sure we are also applying it. Acting on it. In the words of Marshawn Lynch … be about that action boss!
Naked Man Moleskin
Day 2 of Pop Up Virtuosity. I look forward to getting back out in person the rest of the week. It should not be overlooked though, how important of a medium Virtuosity is, was, and could have potentially been into the future. As I told the guys who logged on this morning, once things go back to ‘normal’ and my M and I are back to traveling one week a month each, I will definitely be back on the Virtuosity train.
Honored as always … BC!