08/15/2022 - Iron Lion - Bronco Visits Iron Lion (LEG DAY)

AO: Iron Lion

When: 08/15/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bronco


@channel PreBlast Iron Lion BC, 8/14/22, 5:15 am. AOVQ Alert


Tomorrow at 5:15 I’m Q’n iron lion. I went for my first time last week mostly because it’s a bit of a drive for me. So understand I wouldn’t get up that early unless I had something worthy. 

This one should be it.


We stay together. 

We modify if need be.

We keep good forum.

We work till failure. 


We won’t be running. 


If you haven’t been to one of my Q’s before cause I’m on the other side of town, tomorrow is a chance. 


Coupons and shoes for reps on the pavement. 


HC to get in on the action.




10 sec prepare


30 sec work


11 sec rest


12 rounds


1 cycle


1:05 sec between cycles


3 exercises repeated 4 times 


Good mornings OMDn/OMDn/AMRAP/OMC

Coupon sumo deadlift OMUp/OMUp/AMRAP/OMC

On coupon hip thrusts OMUp/OMUp/AMRAP/OMC

The Thang

3 exercises repeated 4 times


Superman OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMUp

Standard merkin OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMDn

wide merkin OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMDn


Left row OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMUp
Right row OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMUp

narrow coupon press OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMDn


Swim curl press OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMUp

Behind the head tri OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMDn

Narrow Tri merkin OMC/Hold/AMRAP/OMDn


Death by ring of fire blockies

Circle of Trust

Monday is the only day of the work week I can afford to sleep till like 6:50-7ish. Lord knows I need it,  just look at my strava whoop band data. Why do i HC or Q?
If i get my week going with PAX then the feeling of uselessness and disappointment doesn’t creep in. F3 is my way to short circuit that process. Visiting the Pax of F3 starts my week off stronger, and better. F3 is more to me than a way to work out. I don’t really need the workout. I need the fellowship.
So for me A simple HC might seem like a way for you to get a workout in, but for me it’s energy, its a way i can push through the sleeplessness, struggle and tough things i need to do. So thank to everyone who shows up, but a reminder… Be that for others and whether you are aware of it or not!


Naked Man Moleskin

It’s still funny when cousin Eddie is late. every time.

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