07/27/2020 - Virtuosity - Burpee University – 2nd Semester

AO: Virtuosity

When: 07/27/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Backstage, Bean Counter, Buggs Bunny, Happy Meal, Magellan, Singlet,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Mr. Hankey


This was a follow up to the Burpee doctoral program presented by @Tonka on Virtuosity last week.  We added some fun new ones and reviewed some old favorites.  A good time was had by all!


Motivators from 5

Imperial Walkers IC x 20

Grady Corns IC x 10

Tappy Taps IC x 10

The Thang

Thang 1:  Burpee U

Syllabus (15 reps of each burpee variety, SSH until 6 comes in)

Side to Side Merkin Burpee x 15

Bonnie Blair (L,R,L,R) Burpee x 15

Lateral Jump Burpee x 15

Broad Jump Burpee x 15

Hand Release Merkin Burpee x 15

Basic Burpee x 15

Rocky Balboa Burpee x 15

Derkin Burpee x 15

Burpee Jacks x 15 (plank jack x 2 instead of merkin)

Thang 2: Back to the Wall (or Tree)

Wall Squat (hold for 30 seconds)

Bear Crawl 10 yards out, jog back

Wall Squat with coupon (hold coupon straight out twist left, twist right, lift overhead, rinse and repeat) x 5


American Hammers IC

Coupon Freddy Mercury IC


Flutter Kicks with Coupon



Circle of Trust

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.  Proverbs 27:17  This verse is part of the F3 Naperville logo, for good reason.  Physically we push each other harder than we could do on our own and hold each other accountable to commit and show up.  This principle applies on a deeper level.  Early in my Christian walk, a friend mentored me through a one on one Bible study.  One day he told me about how he struggled on his own with lust and porn.  It took me a couple days of marinating on this and I confessed to him that I shared that same struggle.  From that point we both knew we had a brother in the fight.  I discovered that there is great freedom in having brothers to share my private struggles with and hold me accountable.  Suddenly I was no longer alone in these battles.  Another important lesson I learned was not everyone makes a good accountability partner, care must be taken that the person is mature, can be trusted and is on the same path committed to getting better.

Naked Man Moleskin

It could just be me, but it seems noticeably darker at 5:15 than it was a couple weeks ago.  SYITG is going to be increasingly relevant as the daylight hours get shorter again here in the Northern Hemisphere.

SYITG, gents.

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