10/19/2022 - Iron Lion - Dark Circus
AO: Iron Lion
When: 10/19/2022
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Blues Clues
Daisy hit EC OYO, came back, threw the power vest on too…yeah brotha!
Tappy Taps
Tie Figthers
Imperial Walkers
Mosey to North Lot
The Thang
Thang 1 – Uneven Tight Rope Act
- PAX broke into two lines along the yellow parking spot lines in the High School lot. We did Forward, Side, Backward shuffles along the yellow parking spot lines to a burpee at “every other” point, all the way down the lot. Allllllllllllll the way down…
Thang 2 – High “Dive Bomber” Act
- We mosey’d to base of short side hill, 1/2 way up. Did 11’s up and down. Dive Bomber Pushups to Clerkins. Mosey back to parking lot.
Thang 3 – Uneven Tight Rope Act II
- Rinse and Repeat above, going opposite direction.
Thang 4 – Freak Show
- Moved to practice football field. We did about 40 yards of 3-legged Bear Crawls out and 3-legged Bear Crawls back, hopping along like some wack freaks in the gloom.
Thang 5 – Killer CLOWNS Show
- Mosey’d back to flags for coupon work.
- C – Curls x10
- L – Lawnmowers (each arm) x10
- O – Outlaws x10
- W – Woodchoppers x10
- N – Nutcrackers x10
- S – Squat Jumps x10
- Rinse and Repeat 2nd time OYO and bump rep count up to x20
Recover, Recover.
Circle of Trust
I shared how I’ve seen first had the “dark circus” on what…IMO…can be our legal system. It’s been weighing me down, mentally, physically, financially…still…I shared how I see the correlation with F3. How we get worn down in a workout. Then it ends. And all is good. We make it through. Or at least, we’re back to where we can find ourselves and continue to move forward…only we’ve not had an experience that makes us better.
A dark circus…
Rough skies…
Whatever it may be…
These tough challenges remind me of the Q Source chapter on “Contentment” with the line…”Rough skies make great pilots”
Whatever or whenever you may go through…a dark circus, a rough patch or rough skies…know it’s there and making you a greater pilot.
Naked Man Moleskin
More Clerkins please.