03/31/2020 - Virtuosity - Drago’s Virtual VQ

AO: Virtuosity

When: 03/31/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Blueprints, Dilly Dilly, Drago, Flush, hot box, Magellan, Mr. Hankey, Rainman, Ronda Rousey, Rusty,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Drago


Drago’s Virtual VQ


Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. Please modify the exercises if needed.

5×2 Neck Circles IC

10×2 Arm Circles IC

15 Tappy-Taps IC

15 Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang

Thang 1

Modified 11ths

2 Overhead Coupon Press

Lunge walk for ~10 yards

20 Merkins

Lunge walk back to your coupon for 4 Overhead Coupon Press

Lunge walk  for 18 Merkins

Finish with 2 Merkins and 20 Overhead Coupon Press


Thang 2

30 Chest Press

30 Regular Squats

30 Curls

Repeat x3


Thang 3

20 Bend Rows

20 Coupon Dips

20 Lion Kings

Repeat x3

~2 mins for Curls.


6 MoM

20 American Hammers IC

50 LBCs no IC

Low, High Planks, RH and LH arm up

Circle of Trust

Most of the time in my life I’m not ready! I’m not ready to be sick, I’m not ready to change my job, I’m not ready to improve my health, I’m not ready to lead a workout or to cope with an unexpected challenge. But there is a cure for all of this overwhelming feeling and uncertainty. The secret ingredients are support, encouragement, relationship, and wisdom delivered by God, family, friends, church, neighbors, or F3. The reality is that I need it all to balance it out my thoughts, stress levels, and everyday life challenges.

Prayed for Rusty’s dad’s health, Mr. Hankey’s family situation, Drago’s wife and all people affected by COVID-19.

Naked Man Moleskin

I’m always telling myself: go to bed early, do not stay up late at night on your phone. But I’m glad I bend this rule again. The outcome was something greater than I could expect. As a result, I had my Virtual VQ!… 🙂
OK, I’m out, Stay SAFE!

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