11/08/2022 - La Luz - :f3: LA LUZ CAMPO DE ENTRENAMIENTO :f3:

AO: La Luz

When: 11/08/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Laimbeer


Back in town for a few days and can’t think of a better way to spend it then at La Luz. Come out in the morning for a tour of the Fox River. Bring a sand bag or coupon. You and your shoulders will prefer a sand bag. Non stop movement on tap.



Good mornings IC 15

Modified good mornings each leg IC 10/10

Michael Phelps IC 15

Let’s go….

The Thang

Tour de Fox River….

Coupon/Sandbag mosey along the Fox on an estimated 2 mile loop, pearls on a string style with  push pull exercises mixed in a long the way.


3 rounds of Merkin ring of fire. 3 rounds of bent row ring of fire.  2 rounds of reverse merkin ring of fire. 2 rounds of reverse bent row ring of fire.  Finish with interior shoulder stretches OYO for about 1.5.

Circle of Trust

“Sweat more in practice. Bleed less in war.”

I had used this statement once before as a CoT.  But returning from FLETC after two weeks of 9 hour days of shooting all day long. 500-1000 rounds a day.  Instructors breaking down your shooting style then building it back up, then nit picking it some more.

Studying that the average Officer involved shooting has a hit rate of 26%.  That the average agency and police department has an annual qualification needed passing score of 70%.  Those numbers are atrocious!  1. No wonder officers are dying in the line of duty during shootings. 2. Where are those other rounds going?

So the idea is to become better.  The best.  Self accountability so when it is time for battle you come out the other end standing.

This applies to all of us.  Teachers, mechanics, financial planners, someone training for a sporting event.  Don’t settle for just “okay”.

Strive to be the absolute best version of yourself that you may possibly be.

We prayed for Algorithm’s daughter as she comes out the other side recovering from a bad run with Covid and my own children who lost their aunt and grandmother on their mom’s side in the last two months.

Naked Man Moleskin

4 PAX?  Oh well…4 hard working dudes.  Everyone hustled and brought the fire.  Encouraged each other and lifted each other up to push through a tough workout.  Yes we chewed on each other…but it was all positive.  Pushing guys to pick up their legs and keep moving.  Heavy Bag on a #40 sand bag, Redfin on a coupon, Algorithm on a coupon YHC on a #60 sandbag.

Have to call out Heavy Bag for calling me out on my single up down counts. Telling me he was at Q school and I was doing it wrong.  So I had him do the next single count as a learning experience since he had not Q’d yet and he did the exact same thing I was doing haha.

Seeing the blood moon sitting on top of the trees as we ran long the east shore of the Fox was an inspiring sight.

Laimbeer out

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