09/30/2022 - Mammoth - Farmers mile
AO: Mammoth
When: 09/30/2022
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Clearcoat
PreBlast The Mammoth
9/29/22 5:15am
“It’s not the load that weighs you down, it’s the way you carry it. ” -C.S. LewisLet’s get MAMMOTH at the ! We will be moving with a purpose and making every rep count. We will not be running however we will be moving and sharing the load. So bring your coupons
, gloves
and most importantly
. I’ll bring the beatdown and tunes. Let’s get it!
@channel HC
Rolled in around 4:50 and found Roadtrip and Heavybag were in the lot getting ready to go. Dropped off my sandbags and speaker at the flags and went on a lil mosey with Roadtrip and Heavybag around the AO to drop off cones at different locations. Thread was juking the day before so i expected PAX to roll in ready to rumble! Came back to the lot and PAX were already rolling in. Couldnt help but notice the big ass telephone pole in the back of Shirley Temples truck. Wasnt part of the original plan but f it well use it! Started my playlist first track Coolio-Gangstas Paradise. 5:15 Lets go!
F3 core principles and disclaimer shared and we started our warm-up
SSH IC x23
Bear crawl circle loop until you return to where you started stay in plank position
Shoulder taps IC x23
Mountain climbers IC x23
Tappy taps IC x13
Imperial walkers IC x13
Quick count 18 PAX
Hold plank while I give instructions..
We are going to partner up and coupon farmer carry our coupons from station to station. While one partner farmer carries, the other partner carries a sandbag. Once your partner sets the coupons to down you switch and continue.
The Thang
We are going to partner up and coupon farmer carry our coupons from station to station. While one partner farmer carries, the other partner carries a sandbag. Once your partner sets the coupons to down you switch and continue.
Station 1 will be at the pavilion on the other side of the hill by the skate park.
At the pavilion drop equipment and find a table where we will do
- Derkins x23 on my up (omu)
- Jump squats on to bench or box jumps x23 OMU
- American hammers x23 single count
Load up and we will go up and over the hill towards the Sunken Garden parking lot
Station 2 Sunken Garden parking lot mini DORA
While one partner murder bunnies about 15 yds and back the other partner
- 23 sandbag squats
- 23 over head press
- 23 row
Load up and head to the tables in the field next to the visitor center.
Station 3 drop the equipment for another round of
- Step ups x 23 each leg OMU
- Derkins x23 OMD
- American hammers x23 single count
Load up and head back to flags!
In Jack Webb fashion we will do 1 LBC to 4 Freddy Mercurys up to 10:40
6:00 Recover Recover
Circle of Trust
Shared the quote again from my preblast ” Its not the load that weighs you down its the way you carry it”
Encouraged the PAX to open up in CoTs about anything that might be weighing them down and share the load. This week marked 23 weeks into our pregnancy hence the 23 reps of each exercise. I thanked the PAX for the continued prayers and support and ended by sharing Romans 5:3-5 ESV “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame”
Naked Man Moleskin
Thanks to all the PAX that showed up this morning and put the work in. The energy was electric throughout the entire 45. Zubaz, Wedding Planner, Boxcutter and One bar made that log carry look easy! Had to be a red platoon log. Blue platoons were heavier! Lewinski and Half Price leading from the front the entire time, Respect! Shout out to Gordons and Murica for bringing their sandbags and Shirley for bringing the mf log! Tclaps to Kapusta and Snowden coming out before hitting Ragnar these brothers don’t get tired! Speaking of not getting tired props to my guy Heavy Bag, keep the momentum going brother. Big Thanks to Roadtrip for carrying the Mammoth on his shoulders and keeping the fire going. Lets all make it a point to get on the Q sheet and share the load no reason the site Q should be Qing and site Qing. If you need help reach out! Until next time csh csh
- too much equipment, next time ill simplify it a bit maybe leave the log for a ring of fire at one station and bags at another station instead of carrying them around
- instructed PAX to stay in 2 lines and by the end of it we were all scrambled, keep the order
- murder bunnies on pavement always result in a broken coupon, use field
- work on instruction