10/13/2022 - Mammoth - Find Your Passion – BC AOVQ
AO: Mammoth
When: 10/13/2022
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Pre-Blast – Thursday 10/13 0515 The Mammoth
– Lot of great options tomorrow including a
– If joining YHC tomorrow at this bad ass AO works out for your schedule/plans…I would love to have you. Bring your coupons and be ready for a little bit of everything. AOVQ so we won’t stray too far as I am still learning the lay of the land! Drop that HC in the thread!
Got a message early from Road Trip. He woke up feeling like crap so he was going to pull his HC and have Aladdin cover the 6. I am glad he made the right choice and listened to his body and took care of his health. Sometimes that is the toughest decision we need to make in the morning.
Nice little chill in the air but I am thinking/hoping we took care of that pretty quick. Blinky challenged Aladdin to use the Big boy coupon and I couldn’t look like a bitch at my own Q … so BigBoy coupon it is!
Went over the 5 core principles, disclaimer, mission statement, and credo. Hit play on the music…lets go!
SSH IC x 10
Abe Vigoda IC x 10
SSH IC x 20
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
SSH IC x 30 increasing speed every 10
Thai Fighters IC x 10
The Thang
Thang 1
Smash Ball Rebel Run to the Hill.
Partner Up. Two PAX at a time will squat toss the smash ball up the hill alternating who tosses the ball
and who just does the squat. Return to base of hill once done.
Other PAX –
Round 1 – Merkins
Round 2 – Bonnie Blairs
Round 3 – Big Boys
Round 4 – Carolina Dry Docks
Round 5 – Chilly Jacks
After all PAX went up the hill, we did 20 reps of whatever exercise they missed while they were going up the hill .
Group of 5 PAX sideways toss up the hill. Once a PAX tossed the ball sideways to the guy next to him, he ran up to the front of the line. Did this up and down the hill.
2nd group of 5 PAX did LBCs. Then rotate.
Smash Ball Rebel Run back to the parking lot.
Thang 2
4 Corners – Round 1
Corner 1 – Coupon Curls
Corner 2 – Dips
Corner 3 – Lunges
Corner 4 – Jump Rope
We did 3 sets around the lot. First set 30 reps, second set 20 reps, final set 10 reps SLOW. Jump Rope was 30 revolutions every time.
4 Corners – Round 2
Corner 1 – Goblet Squats
Corner 2 – Step Ups
Corner 3 – Hand Release Merkins
Corner 4 – Jump Rope
We had time for one set around the lot. We did 20 reps except for Jump rope, which was 30 revolutions.
Mosey back to flags for Mary.
Freddie Mercuries IC x 10
Heel Touches IC x 10
Leg Climb 3 Rounds. R1 – 5 reps each leg. R2 – 8 Reps. R3 – 10 Reps.
Recover, recover.
Circle of Trust
Count – 10
Announcements – Thanks Aladdin
Name-o-Rama – Koko, Wedding Planner, Snowden, Heavy Bag, Blinky, Gordons, Zubaz, CK, Aladdin, Bean Counter.
CoT –
Life without passion is simply existence.
I have been reading a book that Donkey passed over to me. I know Aladdin and some other PAX have read it before too. Endure. It is written by Cameron Hanes. There have been a lot of cool things in the book. A lot of inspiration parts of his story. I have been writing down various quotes/messages and this was one of his early quotes that stuck with me.
Find your passion. For some of us, including me, it is F3 and getting out and after it every morning. For others it could be running, music, family, work, etc, etc. Whatever it is…find it. Enjoy it. So many people out there do not find their passion and are simply sleep walking through life. We only have so long on this planet. It would be such a shame to life a plain/mundane life during these peak years of our life.
Almost as important…once you find your passion, SHARE IT. You never know who out there may just find a similar love for what you are doing.
Naked Man Moleskin
Lot of top PAX (in my opinion) who joined me today and I was honored and humbled. When the HC’s started to roll in I knew I was going to have to bring it. This is a fun AO and we barely even explored it. I will definitely be working this one into my rotation.
Honored – BC