01/06/2020 - The Citadel - Finding Balance in 2020

AO: The Citadel

When: 01/06/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Ball Boy, Handy Manny, Mr. Miyagi, Nala, Sweet Gherkins, Zelda, Zima,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala


Scene:  27 Degrees with a “feels like of 18” at 5:15 am. Skies were mostly clear, ground was frozen solid, parking lots were clear and dry.

The PAX were warned in the preblast that there would be a balanced twist on isolation, and that is what thang one promised to do…


30 seconds of high knees OYO to loosen up the joints
30 High Knees, In Cadence
20 Tappy Taps
15 Arm Circles forward
15 Arm Circles Backward

Grab those coupons and mosey to the northwest corner of the church parking lot.

The Thang

Thang 1: All about balance and isolation…

20 Bulgarian Squat Right leg (use Coupon for left toe)
20 Balance curls (stand on right leg)
20 Balance Press (stand on right leg)
20 Upright Row (stand on right leg)
20 In Cadence Y-T raises in lunge (right leg forward. Lean forward so chest is near leg. Arms raise in a lateral raise to form a “Y” [like YMCA], then a “T” [straight out to side]. This is done quickly, and it makes the shoulders burn!)
Mosey around parking lot.

Rinse and repeat – only switch legs.

Thang 2: Dora 1-2-3

Partner up
Run is from Northwest corner of parking lot to parking lot entrance and back (roughly 200 meters)
Exercises are:
100 Merkins
200 LBC
300 Squats
Partner 1 runs, while partner 2 does exercises, when partner one returns, partner 2 runs and partner 1 exercises. Continue until the combined total above is reached.


20 Flying Squirrel In Cadence (not the one in the exicon, the move is: on your 12 > Superman > Arms back > Superman > back to your 12)

20 Plank Mogul Jumps In Cadence (Plank > Jump in and twist legs to left > jump back to plank > Jump in and twist to the right > Plank)

Hold plank 10 seconds, raise right arm 10 seconds, raise left arm 10 seconds, back to plank 10 seconds.


Circle of Trust

(Enter Wilson and Cold Cuts, who just happened to be in the area)

Life is like riding a bicycle – to keep your balance, you must keep riding. – Albert Einstein


A story about balance – a story you have probably heard, but as we start a new year, let’s reflect once again.

A professor of philosophy came into his class. He brought some items with him and put them on the table. When the class began, he took a large transparent empty jar and started to fill it with rather massive stones. Then the professor asked his students: “Is the jar full?” They confirmed that it was.

Now the professor picked up a box of small pebbles, poured them into the jar and shook it, so that pebbles filled the open areas between the rocks. He asked once again: “Is the jar full?” They agreed that it was.

This time the professor poured a bucket of sand into the jar, and the sand filled up everything else.

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to see that this jar is just like your life – the stones are the most important things, your main values – your family, health, morality.

The pebbles are other things that matter – your job, house and car. The sand represents the small stuff.

So if you put the sand into the jar first, there would be no place left for pebbles and large stones. Therefore pay most of your attention to the things, that are the most important in life – spend enough time with your family, take care of your health and don‘t forget to develop spiritually – be kind, honest, sensitive, helpful. These are the things that really matter. They should be your priorities. The rest is just sand.”


Prayer – As we begin a new year, and many people make resolutions with different degrees of success, let’s allow our Lord to help us identify those big boulders that are important in our lives so we can be sure to fill up our jar with those things. Help us not be distracted by the sand that can easily fill our jar, leaving no room for our family, our faith, or our health. On a personal note, help me to find a way to balance my perception and my kids perception of what is “needed” them to help forge a better relationship with my family. Let us pray for Cold Cuts Step Grandmother who is battling Leukemia, for Mr. Miyagi’s brother who is going through a separation, and Zima’s family who has 2 people battling cancer. 

Naked Man Moleskin

Thank you to the 6 HIMs that joined me and trusted me to get their week started off right. YHC is humbled to help lead you in a beatdown on the first day of the first week in a new decade. Thank you for letting me try a couple new exercises with you, and thank you for pushing hard through the whole thing. It challenges me to continue to be better, stronger and faster.

Thank you to Wilson and Cold Cuts to join in for the CoT at the end of the workout. It’s always a blessing to have both of you guys in the circle.

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