01/27/2020 - Black Panther - For My Brothers

AO: Black Panther

When: 01/27/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Blowfish, Blowout, Captain Underpants, Dilly Dilly, Hackman, Half Price, Milton, Parks and Rec, Thomas Tank Engine, Tourniquet,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report


Onsite early to check the Hill to see if usable. Discovered that water does still freeze below 32dgs and turns to black ice. Turns out it’s also really slippery when you walk on it. But the safety inspection worked – we knew not to use that part of the lot! Nor could we use the Hill. So back to the safe, non-slippery lot we went.


10 PAX showed up in force to join YHC for a Monday burner. Let’s go!


20 SSH

Capri lap (which served as a preview to Thang 1)

20 Good Mornings

20 Gradycorns

20 Imperial Walkers

The Thang

Thang 1:


Partner up. P1 runs the lot circle. Stops at the far corner and pumps out 25 merkins. Then continues the lap back to partner. P2 is holding coupon above the head the whole time. Run 3x each.


Thang 2:


Frog hop 100 meters across the snow with your coupon (drag coupon forward between legs, then put hands on block and hop forward. Repeat)


Thang 3:


15 Absolutions in the snow




Crunchy Frogs

Dying cockroaches

Ring of Fire (10 in cadence, 10 OYO in a circle, 5 in cadence)

Circle of Trust


Name o Rama

Prayers (Randy Levine, Jeremy Baker, Party Boy’s family, Divots boy)

Naked Man Moleskin

When I started F3 – it was about the exercise. I didn’t know anybody except Ball Boy and Cropduster and Mendoza. But those guys were so far away from BP that I never saw them.


So I wasn’t coming because my friends were here. I remember almost dying after my first post, then 4 days later almost dying again from a Mrs Doubtfire run club. Took me two weeks to get back after that. But four weeks later, I was committing to going 3 days a week. Right when we got that polar vortex and everything froze over. Guys I barely knew were asking if I was coming again after every post. It was hard to say no.


My favorite memories so far include the post where Parks & Rec had us sledding, of doing endless big boys in the dark, pouring rain next to Doubtfire, to the overwhelming burn of running through a Cooper with FIB, and definitely, definitely regretting the use of the volleyball sand court for a post.


They’re my favorites not because it was good exercise. It was because I was with my friends, and my brothers.


So I come for my brothers now. I get exercise. I get support. I get accountability. But it’s really about my brothers.

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