08/16/2020 - CSAUP - GrowRuck21 Prep


When: 08/16/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bartles & Jaymes, Blowfish, Flush, Goldberg, Parks and Rec, Riunite,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


Time to get serious about GrowRuck 21 Training! Ruck up and Buckle up for some Sunday morning festivities.


Pax lined up in the lot and we went through Administration work. Pax were given 30 seconds to take their 30# (minimum) plate out of their rucks and hold overhead. Pax were given 20 seconds to put the plate back in. Then we did SSH’s IC x 20. Pax were then given 3 seconds to take their ID out and hold it overhead. They were given 20 seconds to put the ID back in its spot.


50 No Merkin Burpees + 24 Ruck Swings + 24 Merkins + 24 Ruck Squats + 24 BBSU’s

The Thang

We Rucked up and grabbed our 3 Coupons for the morning – 2 20# Sandbags and 1 40# Sandbag.

Flag was placed at the front of the line and off we marched.

We marched in formation for 1 mile. Stopped where there was a pond about 50 yards off the path. Pax Low Army Crawl’d with Ruck on to the Pond. Then they Lunge Walked back to the path.

We marched another mile to where there was a little round-about 50-70 yds off the path. Pax completed 10 Monkey Humpers (Ruck on) + 10 Burpee Jump-overs (Ruck off) + 10 Flutter Kix (Ruck held overhead) and then Suitcase Carry’s their Rucks out and around the round-about and back. Pax completed this two times. Pax were given 2 minutes to drink, eat, whatever they needed.

Rucks back on and we headed back where we came from.

At Mile 3 (same spot with the pond), Pax did 10 Ruck Swings and then Bear Crawl’d (without ruck) to the pond and ran back to the path for 10 Air Squats. Pax completed this 3 times. Rucks back on to finish with 1 more mile. This last mile we marched off-path in the tall grass to just keep getting used to different terrains.


Circle of Trust

This morning was all about getting out as a group and logging some miles with weight on. Training sessions like this one can get some momentum going amongst the registered Pax and continue to accelerate all of our training. Additionally, always good to go through some of the Administrative elements of how things are packed, what things are packed, etc. and put some time constraints behind different orders. This was sorta tame but sets the stage for these to ramp up in intensity!

Naked Man Moleskin

The importance of logging miles under weight and with added coupon weight is followed closely by the importance of continually preparing and testing gear out in the elements. Great example, Bartles & Jaymes’ footwear blew a hole in them somewhere during mile 3. Time for some new kicks!

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