03/15/2022 - Iron Lion - Ides of March

AO: Iron Lion

When: 03/15/2022


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names:

QIC: Backdraft


F3 Disclaimer and Q Disclaimer that I have not Q’d in a while and that it was nice to get back into the action with some Non-Virtual Q’s. Perfect weather at a cool 40 degree dry and clear morning at the Lion. All Pax were welcomed and FNG was welcomed as well. Mumblechatter was starting out very nicely and quick disclaimer that I was getting out of the ole comfort zone this morning and it was nice to have company! Thanks to @magellan, @chazz, @Riunite, @Baywatch, @Nacho libre, @Goldberg, @Cousin Eddie, @cable guy, @dumpster fire, @sully, @mellancamp, @Crash Test Dummy, @unplugged, @big wheel, @ sputnik, and welcome @donahue.


Motivators from 5 after quick demonstration.

Bat Wings and a little story about military bootcamp

Smurf-Motivators from 4 after quick demonstration

Good Mornings X 15

Finkles X 15

Burpee-Vators from 3 after quick demonstration and plenty of laughter from the Pax for the ole Site Q who realized the perfect time to perform site-Q duties and film the misery


The Thang

In honor of March 15, we completed 3 sets of 15 REPS of 3 exercises with some Gentlemen’s Pace Running around the parking lot.

Exercise 1: 3 Sets of 15 Merkins Together with some Running in between sets.

Exercise 2: 3 Sets of 15 Thrusters done Together with some Running in between sets.

Exercise 3: 3 Sets of 15 Squats to Calf Raises done Together with  some Running in between sets.


Thang 2: Continuing with the 3:15 theme

Colt 45s

Bolt 45s

Rainbow Chest Press (Creative Chest Press with low, mid, and high CP while on your 6)

Chest Press with feet up, regular, and finally Bridge Chest Press X 15



Coffin Big Boys X 15

Penguin Claps x 15

Right Leg-Left Arm x 15

Left Leg-Right Arm x 15

Freddie Merks x 15

Boxcutters x 15



Circle of Trust

We discussed how changing one thing in you life can make a big difference. The example I mentioned was changing “One Day…” to “Day One!” Instead of saying one day I can run a a marathon or One day I will lift heavier weights, but change it to Day One on my way to running better or lifting more. This can apply to home and work as well. Instead of one day I will be better at something, change it up to Day one of being a better dad or better husband. Consistency is the key and nothing happens overnight.


Prayers were for Ukraine and our F3 Community to help grow and build better men in our community.

Naked Man Moleskin

Once again thank you to F3 Naperville for the many years and the countless friends who I have made along the way. Amazing growth and it can not be expressed enough how great this have been to my life in general.

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