06/22/2021 - Virtuosity - Juneteenth Unleashed

AO: Virtuosity

When: 06/22/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Crab Legs, Frogger, Sonny Bono,

DR Names: Toby

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sonny Bono


I wanted to Q a workout for the newest national holiday Juneteenth in celebration of the freeing of the last held slaves in Galveston Texas in 1865, but the AO’s were closed that day. So I chose today.

Notice how I tied in the year 1865, trip from the North to free the slaves in the south and a few historical Black heroes.


Abe Vigoda’s

Balance exercise – around the clock -eyes open and then closed

Motivators from 6

The Thang

Thang 1: Freedom ladder – Down and back up

  1. 18 dips
  2. 16 heels to the sky
  3. 14 BB and J’s
  4. 12 burpees
  5. 10 dead bugs
  6. 8 dips
  7. 6 heels to the sky
  8. 4 BB and J’s
  9. 2 Burpees
  10. 0 Dead bugs (1 turkish get up)

Thang 2: Freedom Dorie

Dorie Miller was aboard a ship bombed at Pearl Harbor.  Jumped to a machine gun and shot down 4 Japanese planes and had to be ordered off the sinking ship

65 Thrusters

65 LBC’s

65 Goblet squats

65 curls – presses

65 box cutters

65 monkey humpers

65 gradie Corns

65 hydraulic planks

65 Ruby Bridges (pickle pointers)

65 side straddle hops

Circle of Trust

My thoughts: Standing up for your family by leaving your comfort zone.

  • Q source taught us the fallacy of the societal and personal benefits of living outside of your comfort zone. This leads to people doing more of what they are not good at and less of what they excel at.
  • Leaving your emotional comfort zone is something else.
  • Good leaders live and work inside their comfort zone but are willing to experience emotional discomfort to right a wrong or to support an ally.
  • I related my experience of not being seated at a restaurant due to having my two black daughters with me as well as my daughter’s Indian friend. After initially driving away, I parked the car and went back in to confront the manager.  This was the point of the story, to get out of my emotional comfort zone.

Naked Man Moleskin

Prayers for last night’s tornado victims and tolerance and acceptance

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