10/07/2020 - The Wood - Pull-ups were easier than the hill

AO: The Wood

When: 10/07/2020


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Boston Butt, Gopher, pi 3.14,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Boston butt


It was a beautiful Wednesday morning at The Wood. 61⁰ and pleasantly gloomy.


Warm o rama was a struggle due to a widespread allergy attack that several pax experienced. It didn’t slow us down, and we were able to get our blood flowing with goofballs, do some imperial walkers, we learned to fly, and finally did some tappy taps. We also did a half mile mosey on our way to thang one.

The Thang

Thing one was all about to pull up bar. We did three sets of pull ups to failure and stayed warm with sidetraddle hops in between sets.


Thang two was a partner Dora. In between reps we ran to the top of the hill, did three squats, and ran back down.  The Dora was modified due to time, but the original plan was


400 overhead claps

300 Merkins

200 big boys

100 burpees

We ended the day with one final up and over on the hill and a little bit of broga to close things out.

Circle of Trust

On a 60° morning in October, the message was a little premature, but we discussed The Winter gloom that is coming around the bend.  The cold, the ice, the freezing rain, and the snow I’ll give us an opportunity to test our mettle and develop resilience. Going into the winter is daunting, but coming out of it will make you tougher physically and mentally.

Naked Man Moleskin

It was another great day down at the wood. If you have not been down there yet, I will see you on Saturday.

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