08/01/2022 - Black Panther - “Ruckin” Mondays
AO: Black Panther
When: 08/01/2022
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Munson
Welcome to F3 Black Panther Ruck Club. I am Munson, your Q for the day.
F3 is free, to all men, held rain or shine, peer led in a rotating fashion and ends in a circle of trust. I am not an expert. I do not know your injuries, so please modify your movements today as necessary.
Tappy Taps 10 Count (IC)
Abe Vigoda’s 10 Count (IC)
Arm Circles (Both Directions)
Seal Claps 10 Count (IC)
The Thang
Form 2 Lines
Indian Ruck around the AO pathway. Complete 5 Curls / 5 OH Presses and pass sandbag to next PAX .
The Hill Stop- Bernie Sanders to top of hill / 5 Squats at top / walkdown back to path
Flutter Kicks/holding ruck sack above chest- (15) 4 count IC
Hello Darlings/holding ruck sack above chest- (15) 4 count IC
Ring of Fire high plank w/1 Merkin
Circle of Trust
I have had a bad month with attendance to our workouts this month. I have had projects at work that have taken me away, including this upcoming Friday again, and also an injury to my knee that also sidelined me for a bit. As I deal with my busy schedule and injuries, I find myself feeling guilty for not being able to get out here and embracing the suck with my brothers. Work life, injuries, family life. There are always things in our lives that will sidetrack us from being our best HIM that we want to be. I have come to realize that being super busy is just a part of my life that I can’t get away from. I have taught myself to try not to stress when everything comes at me at once and to step back, take a big breath and just deal with things calmly and as organized as I can be. It is easy to start to complain and take out frustrations on the people that I love and work with when things get hectic. My message today is that when you feel overwhelmed and stressed because of the season that you are in, remind yourself that your Sky Q gives you what you can handle and that seasons change. Lean on your principles and everything that you have learned from in the past and bear down. Winter doesn’t last forever, and the Sun will come back out again. Have faith, stay strong and stay focused. We are men of F3 and we love chaos so embrace the suck and handle your business like a true HIM would. AYE?!
Naked Man Moleskin
Thank you to the 13 PAX that joined me this morning! It was great to see Bartles and Jaymes again and also to meet Goggins from DR. A special thank you to Sir-Mix-Alot for stepping up and covering the 6! To all my Brothers: Parks and Rec, Dick Cheney, O’Doules, Fargo, Title IX, Standup, Animal House, RX, Hot for Teacher, Crambone, Thanks for the great mummblechatter this morning!