12/22/2022 - Mammoth - Season of GIVING
AO: Mammoth
When: 12/22/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast The Mammoth
Thursday 12/22 0515!
Bring your coupons and let’s get after it one last time before the big snow storm that’s coming in. Shoes for everything! SYITG
Got to the AO around 0505 and set out the big boy coupons and conduit bars. Waiting for PAX to fill in before getting circled up by the flags. 0515 – Five core principles, disclaimer, mission statement, and credo! Let’s roll.
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Extended WoR / Thang 1
Lap around Mastadon Lake (appox 1 mile) finishing at the base of the hill with stops throughout for:
SSH IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Arm Circles Forward IC x 10
Arm Circles Reverse IC x 10
Hairy Rockets IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
The Thang
Thang 2 – Hill
5 Burpees
Mosey halfway up the hill and then switch to Bear Crawl
10 Big Boys
Crawl Bear Down halfway then mosey to start.
Repeat above but add 10 Lunges, in cadence at the top after big boys.
Repeat a 3rd time but add 10 Hand Release Merkins, in cadence, at the top after big boys and lunges.
Mosey back to parking lot
Thang 3 – Lot – Heavy Coupon Work
Partnered up into three pairs. DORA
100 Double Coupon Conduit Rows
100 Big Boy Goblets Squats
100 Big Boy Curls
P1 does exercise while partner ran a lap around the parking lot. Switch.
LBC’s IC x 10
American Hammers IC x 10
Flutter kicks from 45 degree position IC x 10
Recover, recover
Circle of Trust
Count – 6
Announcemnts – Thank you Road Trip
Name-o-Rama – Columbus, Monkey Bars, Start Up, Koko, Road Trip, Bean Counter
It is the season of giving! Let’s remind our kids, friends, and ourselves that it is not all about what we GET this time of year but rather what we can do to give back. To pay it forward. Helping a neighbor shovel, showing appreciation for the kids teachers in school, etc. Find ways to give back and you will find the real spirit of the season. Set the example for your kids.
Naked Man Moleskin
THE MAMMOTH! This is a pretty cool AO but I know I have barely scratched the surface of what there is to be offered here. As I mentioned before my CoT…I love how in this group (F3) we can come out and post 100’s of times but still come out and meet new/different PAX on a daily basis. My first time working out with a few of the guys today and it was awesome.
I thought it was going to be a lot colder/windy this morning, hence the extended WoR/Pearls.
Q#99 … hope to see some of you out there next Saturday 12/31 for the C-Bus/Bean Counter 100th Q Co-Q Extravaganza!
Today is/was the calm before the storm… Stay SAFE tomorrow men!
Honored – BC