06/01/2022 - Black Panther - Slam Ball at BP
AO: Black Panther
When: 06/01/2022
Number of Pax: 15
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast 6/1/2022 0515 Black Panther!
Join me for a 45 minute full body beatdown. We will hit it hard right out of the gate
Bring your coupons and shoes for anything. Looking forward to seeing my west side brothers!
Got to the AO about 5:05. Not too much set up today. Got the speaker ready and music fired up. Gave the disclaimer, five core principles, mission statement and credo. Let’s get warm.
Tappy Taps x 10
SSH x 10
Got into two lines for a ‘Rugby Run” with a 15lb Slam Ball
Down the path towards the parking lot on the west side of the ball fields over to the North side parking lot.
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Smurfivators from 5
The Thang
Thang 1 – Vicious Circle
R1 – 5 Slams
R2 – 2 PAX – 5 Squat Toss
Rugby Run w/15lb Slamball back to main parking lot
Thang 2 – Church Picnic
Round 1 – P1 – Farmer Carry – P2 – 10 Merkins
After P2 finishes Merkins, run up to Partner 1 and continue Farmer Carry while P1 does their merkins. Contining until lap is finished.
Round 2 – P1 – Cusack Carry – P2 – 10 Air Squats
Freddie Merc IC x 10
Leg Lifts IC x 10
Scissor Kicks IC x 10
American Hammers IC x 15
Slow Freddie IC x 10
Circle of Trust
Count – 15
Announcements – Thanks Title IX!
Name-o-Rama – Twilight, Crambone, Dick Cheney, Hot for Teacher, Animal House, DeVito, Handy Manny, Early Bird, Bronco, Shameless Plug, Damaged Goods, Rx, Cap, Title IX, Bean Counter
My oldest son’s last day of kindergarten. How crazy fast the year flew by. In honor of his last day, I went over the Falcon Four, which is the school motto / slogan that they all go by. (Graham Falcons)
Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Safe. Be Ready.
How cool are the parallels here to some of the things we talk about in F3? Starting them young!
Naked Man Moleskin
Always a good time leading the men of BP. Lots of space to explore at this AO. We ended up with about 2.3 miles. Didn’t exactly plan it that way, but the guys were moving today!
Thanks for having me! – BC