01/11/2023 - La Luz - Tempo Work at La Luz
AO: La Luz
When: 01/11/2023
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Nala
Don’t think I’ve been on Q at La Luz yet. It’s a great AO with lots of options and the PAX bring an energy and spirit unique to this AO. The handful of times I’ve posted, I’ve not been disappointed. I was looking forward to doing something a bit different over there.
Preblast – La Luz 01.11.2023 0515
Do you feel slighted by @Bush Push not calling you out in his video?
Do you now think maybe running just isn’t for you?
I don’t blame you…
Come join YHC we’ll do the manly thing – bury those feelings by lifting something over and over.
We won’t be running any more than to stay warm between sets of lifting.
We will work our range of motion with each exercise and work opposing muscle groups with plenty of reps.
Grab your and
in the
HCs started to roll in, and it looked like a pretty good crew.
Arrived a few minutes early, double checked the music was ready to go and got out to greet pax.
40 SSH in cadence – increasing in speed every 10 so the last 10 were pretty fast
10 Tappy Taps in cadence
10 Abe Vigotas in Cadence
Shoulder Burners, all the following were done in cadence, arms were kept up the whole time:
10 arm circles, forward, 10 backward, 15 seal claps, 15 overhead claps, 15 tie fighters left leg, 15 backward tie fighters right leg, 15 grady corn. Recover
Dynamic stretching – bounce around, let gravity stretch out the shoulders
The Thang
After each set – run to the parking line past the light pole and come back – just to loosen up.
Legs – set 1
Tempo Squats 15 each:
2 down 2 up
3 down 1 up
1 down 3 up
15 bottom half Squats in cadence.
Tempo Coupon Deadlift 15 each:
2 down 2 up
3 down 1 up
1 down 3 up
Legs – set 2
Tempo Bulgarian Split Squats (use the coupon for the back leg) 10 each, left leg:
2 down 2 up
3 down 1 up
1 down 3 up
Switch legs, repeato!
10 Romanian One Leg Deadlift in tempo
2 down 2 up
Switch legs, repeato!
Chest and Back:
Tempo Chest Press 15 each:
2 down 2 up
3 down 1 up
1 down 3 up
15 bottom half pulses in cadence
Tempo Bent Over Row 10 each:
2 up 2 down
3 up 1 down
1 up 3 down
Tempo Skull Crushers laying down 10 each:
2 down 2 up
3 down 1 up
1 down 3 up
Tempo Curls 15 each:
2 up 2 down
3 up 1 down
1 up 3 down
Quick arm stretch (YHC needed it) to just release the muscle
10 bottom half curls in cadence
Shoulders and upper back
15 upright rows on my up – focus on keeping elbows higher than wrists.
Tempo Shoulder Press 10 each:
2 up 2 down
3 up 1 down – recover briefly (mainly because YHC was at failure)
1 up 3 down
Mary & Theresa
20 LBCs in Cadence
15 Heel Touches in Cadence
15 Manatees in Cadence
15 Swimmers in Cadence
15 Big Boys on my up – focus on keeping the soles of your shoes on the ground – no cheating!
Circle of Trust
As men we are called to lead – I’m happy to hear Heavy Bag is taking on his VQ.
It is something I believe is something God has called us to do – there are plenty examples of leaders in the bible – when the slaves were to be led from Egypt, it was a single person, not a committee that led them out. Fast forward to the new testament, when someone was needed to lead the church Peter, a single person led the church, not a committee.
That said – leaders do surround themselves with the right people so they are successful, but it is still the single person who is the leader and the catalyst. We may not be called to lead something like our people from slavery, or a church, but there are opportunities to lead. F3 and a workout is a simple example of this, and a way we can fulfil what we are designed to do.
Find an opportunity to lead, surround yourself with people who will support you, and you will be surprised with the success.
Prayers were said thanking our maker, the group around us and a few special intentions from the PAX.
Naked Man Moleskin
Just a thanks to the PAX at La Luz. There are some great dudes there. I need to get over more often. Next time I lead, we’ll move around a bit more.
Hakuna Matata