03/06/2020 - - The Captain America Challenge

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 03/06/2020


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Bozo, Brick, Brooks, Cupcake, Face Plant, Goldberg, Hootie, House Arrest, Jackie Chiles, Moonlight, Ronda Rousey,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 3

FNG Names: The Swede, Grounds Keeper Willie, Fredo

QIC: Hootie


It was a blustery and cold morning, as the HIMS started to roll in.  For many of us, it was uncharted territory, sort of like when Columbus thought he discovered America, but really he landed in the Bahamas. Expectations were set right away that we would be Oscar Mike the whole time. The question in our collective minds, would we be Captain America or Steve Rodgers (pre super soldier serum??) at the end of the beat down. Could we muster the strength and courage to defeat the “Red Skull” (any thing that would defeat us from accomplishing our goal of finishing strong)? The answer is yes, mission accomplished. We were Captain America, for a day.


21 Side Straddle Hops in Cadence

20 Mountain Climbers in Cadence

The Thang

The battle started with

Agility ladders, hurdles and hoops. 3 groups running each gauntlet for 1 minute intervals


Stamina: Oscar Mike to Hacksaw Ridge. Each HIM carried a wreckbag and or coupon to the rally point. At the base of the Hacksaw Ridge, we formed 6 teams. The goal to race to the top of the ridge with a wreckbag and back down to the next HIM in line. HIMS at the bottom were ordered to hold a squat. Duration of the stamina session: 5 minutes

Oscar Mike to the Strength session:

Picnic tables were commandeered for our box jumps: For 2 minutes: 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest

Using the swing sets, monkey bars, low bars and anything we could hang on we completed pull ups and pushups: 1 pullup, 2 pushups, 2 pull ups, 4 pushups, 3 pull ups, 6 pushups, 4 pullups, 8 pushups, 5, pull ups, 10 push ups, You get the picture. 16 pushups were accomplished by several. It was truly a mental challenge.

With 2 minutes to spare we Oscar Mike to the football field where the HIMS were asked to dig deep and finish strong. We came this far, no quitting now. 100 yards sprint to the end, like a horde of Viking Berserkers, we sprinted to the finish. It was awesome to see everyone energized even though we were put to the test the whole 45 minutes. Not a second was wasted this day.

Circle of Trust

General announcements were made.

Prayers for a speedy recovery for Mr. Miyagi, so he could get back fast to keep our butts in gear.

Thanked our Maker for allowing us to gather and support one another in the Gloom.

Mission for the day, Pay it Forward to someone.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

Naked Man Moleskin

Don’t quit, never quit is what was running through my mind today.

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