10/25/2021 - La Luz - The La Luz Black Diamond Hurricane
AO: La Luz
When: 10/25/2021
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names: Aladdin, Bassmaster, Blinky, Blow Dry, Clearcoat, Grimace, Serena, The Wedding Planner, Tonka,
DR Names: Sparkler
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: Aguila and Inchworm
QIC: Sparkler
Have we had a BD at La Luz before? Yes, a RC BD back in July. Serena reminded me that it was my turn to lead a BD and Bassmaster requested La Luz as the location so it’s go time.
The light hurricane like conditions with North to South rain sideways and wind gusts near 25mph made this one extra. Nobody complained, energy was on 10.
PreBlast – Black Diamond – La Luz
– 0500am StartX on Monday October 25th
F324 will have wrapped up and ended 29 hours ago when we get going so that’s plenty of time to get a meal, go to church and get a couple minutes of sleep.You won’t be able to coast OYO tomorrow. We will be moving as a unit for the entire hour and calling each other out.All pavement
No coupons
lights, your choice.
Gloves? Yep.@channel Before you get called out and get ITG ready to put in work.
WoR – Monkey See Monkey Do
Run in Place/ Sprint for Disclaimer and Welcome
Sprint in place, side jump in place, slalom in place, go fast with a Kick it up!! then Regular
Kung Fu arm circles forward and backwards (Holding a lunge arm circles forward, switch legs backwards 10 IC each way)
Broken down Motivators – 25 full SSH, 25 arms parallel, 25 jump out and in and 25 jump in place – single count together
20 squats IC and 10 merkins IC on my down Rinse and Repeat X5 <—yes 100 squats/ 50 ‘merkins in WoR
The Thang
Thang 1
1.5 mile loop north to Illinois St. then east then south on the other side of the river.
Call Out Slingshot Runs. PAX run in a line, lead PAX calls out another PAX in line and they run to the front. New PAX out front calls out the previous front runner or another PAX.
Thang 2
20 Not a Burpee Burpees (per Tonka) – Everything that a normal Burpee is without the ‘merkin, IC
10 partner springs on the East side of the Riverwalk bridge. Looping from middle back to the East side
Bear Crawls first half of the bridge to the middle, DON’T pick your hands off the pavement or put your knees down.
Crab Walk from the middle back to the beginning of the East side bridge – Blinky was motering!
Start on the East side of the bridge and complete 20 Big Boys, run to the other side of the bridge on the West end and complete 18 ‘merkins, back to the east side to complete 16 Big Boys, 14 ‘merkins’ all the way down to 2 ‘merkins on the West side to finish. Blinky and Serena finished in the front and equally impressive and motivating was watching Blow Dry finish the final 2 ‘merkins after 0600am hit.
Not sure how Serena’s phone survived this post but CoR, NoR, Announcements were completed.
Circle of Trust
For CoT in person I said to get home, change your clothes, take a hot shower and don’t get sick due to being wet and cold. Serena took a wall pic and we bolted for the cars and/or Jake’s.
What I really planned to say but wanted to get everyone moving out of the weather was the following:
I’ve failed. I’ve posted at a Black Diamond every week at least once, often twice, sometimes 3 times and even 4 times more that once in Naperville/ Crossroads for a year. But I had never stepped up to Q a Black Diamond in Naperville. All that this group has given me I failed to lead and give back to them. I had to be reminded – Lead in a rotating fashion. That’s on me and it’s overdue that it’s my turn. Back in January I made it a priority to Q multiple BD’s at Crossroads and help launch Tuesday BD’s there but neglected to commit lead in Naperville. Thank you for the reminder, Serena and push Bassmaster for Q at La Luz.
In October 2020 I posted at my first Black Diamond outside of the Ridge at a Lewinsky BD only because it was close to home at Black Panther. So with all of the energy, acceleration and growth at La Luz I wanted to bring that opportunity to the PAX here. There were BD regulars there today but also a lot of new faces.
My unsolicited advice would be to not make this Black Diamonds a “I did it, check” and instead make it part of your weekly routine. The men that are regulars with the Black Diamond group will push you to the next fitness level, encourage you along the way and build your confidence. They never make excuses, complain or run away from the crazy/ difficult. You are welcomed with open arms as I am from the Crossroads region but consider myself part of Naperville as well because of the friendships and connections.
Take a look at the Q sheet schedule and plan your next Black Diamond post or Q and keep chasing those faster men. Aye!
Prayers to yourself throughout the day for the men of F3, their circles and those that are seeking and needing what we have found.
Naked Man Moleskin
-The weather had me discombobulated for the beginning of WoR, PAX were rolling in, out, the La Luz RC was gathering and my winky was in the car and out of the rain.
-That 1.5 mile Slingshot Callout run actually went well but sticks, apples, acorns and deep puddles on the path had me concerned about safety.
-Tonka helped name the Not a Burpee Burpee. It’s a Burpee without a ‘merkin. I knew you’d keep me honest today.
-Aguila didn’t seem to be a fan of all of the running but he had no give up or quit in him.
-Aladdin was visibly not 100% after F3N24 and completing every workout but he was still out there motivating and more than pushing the group.
-The sideways rain slowed down Blinky and Serena slightly but they never look tired.