03/26/2022 - Black Panther - Title IXs Tik Tok Teardown and Turnup!
AO: Black Panther
When: 03/26/2022
Number of Pax: 17
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Title IX
 Saturday – 3/26 – Black Panther

Title IX’s Tik Tok Turnup and Teardown!
Think TaeBo meets Tweens
Dress to impress ! Ring lights welcome
Just kidding.
7am. Black Panther. Beatdown.
Come ready to work.
This workout will be judged by calories burned.
My target goal is 500+ calories – what’s yours?
Bring coupons, gloves, warm clothes.

15 Good Mornings
15 Tappy Taps
15 Imperial Walkers
10 Arm Circles, Forward/Backward/Seal Claps
Stretching OYO
The Thang
Thang 1
Find a Partner.
Indian Run, two lines, your partner next to you.
Never lose sight of your parter all throughout the workout.
After 2 rotations of the group, stop for PT
Merkins, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Big Boys
Ran around half AO, BP
Thang 2
Title IX Island Time!
Partner Workout (same)
4 Island – Hill Top, End of School Lot, Baseball Clubhouse, Port-o-Potty
100x reps of Curls, Group Choice (?), Shoulder Press, Group Choice (?)
Run to Island, 25 reps of Squats, Burpees, Big Boys, Merkins
Rinse and Repeat. Stay Together. No Man left behind. Partner checks.
End in Mary
25 Freddie Merkury
11 American Hammers
10 American Hammers
9 American Hammers
Recover Recover!
Circle of Trust
Message #1: Do not delay what seems obvious. I missed on on a possible year of friendship with this man.
I highlighted the fact that I had been putting off hanging with a neighbor for about a year. Turns out we get along great. Shared interests like being drummers, liking stouts, having families, interested in cultivating land/hydroponics, culturally aligned, etc.
Message #2: Never forget how incredible and ‘Unique’ we are for doing what we do. Explaining the F3 life (meet in darkness, have fake names, lift a cinderblock/coupon until failure, all before 6am) is foreign to the average person. Remember that you are all ‘characters’ and embrace it.
Naked Man Moleskin
This was my first 6 Pack in F3. I neglected to mention that during my COT. This was likely due to the absolute burner that we had for the que.
I, truthfully, didn’t plan on this – but it worked out. A crazy week of workouts in all sorts of weather culminated in my own Q that was an absolute beast. It was definitely one of those workouts that ‘seemed better on paper!” lol
Thanks for reading! – Title IX