11/02/2021 - Two Wolves - Upper Body Work

AO: Two Wolves

When: 11/02/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Boy Sandwich, Corningstone, Dick Cheney, DJ Sump Pump, Nala, Sir Mix-A-Lot, Stay Puft, Sweet Gherkins, Switch, Title IX, Trickle,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala



Nothing fancy, bring your coupon and brace yourself for an upper body focused beatdown. HC in the thread, and I’ll SYITG!


Rolled into the lot just a couple minutes after 5 – got out and got ready to go.

5:15 rolled around and Disclaimer and Core Principles were shared, and off we went.


30 Side Straddle Hops, In Cadence
10 Tappy Taps, In Cadence
Arms up the whole time for:
10 Arm Circles forward in Cadence
10 Arm Circles backward in Cadence
10 Seal Claps in Cadence
10 Overhead Claps in Cadence
10 Abe Vigotas in Cadence
10 Grady Corn in Cadence

Grab the coupons and most slightly down the lot to the 2nd island and get ready for thang 1.

The Thang

Thang 1: Dora

100 Merkins, 200 Curls, 300 LBCs – while partner 1 does exercises, partner 2 farmer carries for exercises 1 and 3 and Cusack carries for exercise 2. Distance was to the drain for the first exercise, then to the next island for the 2nd two exercises.

Mosey over to the hill (and up it just a little bit)

Thang 2: 10,20,30s

Set 1 – Curls and Dips – do 10 curls at the base of the hill, run up to the top and do 10 dips, rinse and repeat doing 20 then 30 reps. Return to the start and hold plank for the 6.

Set 2 – Skullcrushers and Irkins (do the same pattern as before)

Mosey back to the flags, circle up and do 20 upright rows on my up.


20 Big Boys on my Up
20 Flutter kicks In Cadence
20 Heel Touches in Cadence
20 Manatees in Cadence
20 Swimmers in Cadence


Circle of Trust

YHC is not one to set a good example when it comes to making the hard choice and is working on that – hence the signup to Q this workout. I returned from a work trip in San Diego and knew 4:30 would come very early after being out west for several days, but also knew if I didn’t Q it, I would not have gotten up.

I challenge myself and others to try to make the hard choice.


Prayers were said, with special prayers for Columbus, Carmen San Diego and Handy Manny, who are all helping family through health problems.

Naked Man Moleskin

This was really a tough workout to plan for – I had thought I would have something put together, but found myself struggling with putting a plan together while on my trip. Making things more difficult, I had horrible heartburn (or something) keeping me awake last night. My own punishment for the food and beverage choices I made while travelling.

Anyway – it did come together, and it was a little different than others I had done. Thankful the pax who came were forgiving and followed the intention of my directions if they were not clear.

I do look forward to my next Q – may find a way to log a couple miles the next time around…


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