12/07/2021 - The Citadel - 1-Year Manniversary – Where It All Began

AO: The Citadel

When: 12/07/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Clearcoat, Dick Cheney, DJ Sump Pump, Fargo, Judge Smails, One Bar, Puddles, Rusty, Subway, Sweet Gherkins, Title IX,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Mix-A-Lot


Preblast – “One year ago, YHC was invited by Brick to my first F3 workout. Rusty was the Q. I thought I was going to die, but instead I found something that changed my life and truly saved my life…Join me where it all started for me 1 year ago – THE CITADEL – and bring your coupon!”

5:15 AM – “F3 is free, open to all men, held outdoors (even when its freakin’ cold out), led in a rotating fashion, and ends in a circle of trust…I am not a professional…”

This workout was based off of many of the things we did at my first F3 workout. I wanted to remind myself how far I’ve come since that first day.

I have so much more I want to say connected with this workout, but I’ll save that for later.

Read on if you want the whole story.


  • SSHs – 25 IC
  • Abe Vigodas – 10 IC
  • Arm Circles – 10 IC x2
  • Good Mornings – 10 IC
  • Stretching – OYO

The Thang

Thang 1: Broad Jumps & Bear Crawls

Line up across the parking lot. Broad jump forward, drop down for 1 merkin, and crawl bear back to start. Broad jump forward 2 times, drop down for 2 merkins, crawl bear back to start. Repeat until you reach 5 Broad jumps. Once completed, SSH until the 6 is in.

Thang 2: B.L.I.M.P.S

Starting at the end of the parking lot – do a series of exercises and then run to the next set of lights. Rinse and repeat the exercises, and run to the next lights until you reach the end of the lot.

  • 5 Big Boys
  • 10 Lunges
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Merkins
  • 25 Plank Jacks
  • 30 Squats

Once everyone was done – 10 count then rinse and repeat the routine back to the starting point.

Thang 3: Coupon Reps

4 different exercises. Starting with 10 reps each and then repeat with decreasing reps each round, 10-1.

  • Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Swings
  • Bent Over Rows


  • Heel Touches – 30 IC
  • LBCs – 20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks – 10 IC…Recover, Recover!

Circle of Trust

I usually speak off the cuff at these circles, but I wanted to write down my thoughts today…

Thank you all for coming out this morning. I wanted to celebrate my manniversary here at the Citadel, where my F3 journey began.

I still remember almost everything about that morning – how cold it was (like today) and how out of place I felt. Rusty had us running, jumping, and moving for the full 45 minutes. At best I thought I’d puke. At worst I felt like I was going to die. Thankfully neither happened.

I am forever grateful that Brick brought me out a year ago. It was an extremely stressful time in my life. I have talked a lot in these circles about mental health, but what only a few know is just how bad it once was. When I agreed to come to F3, it was probably one of the last things I planned to do. I was in pain and didn’t have much left inside. I didn’t see a way out of it…but its clear now that God had other plans.

Rusty said something in his CoT that I have heard him say many times since – KEEP MOVING. He was probably talking about fitness, but that’s not how it hit me. Those words stuck deep into my soul and shred some light into the darkness. KEEP MOVING…towards health, towards wholeness, towards peace.

When I say F3 saved my life, that isn’t hyperbole. I am still here today because of this group. I am not who I was, and while I am not where I want to be yet – physically or mentally – I am better than I was. I keep moving.

I cannot possibly fully put into words how everyone in F3 has impacted me. Everyone I have interacted with have changed my life in some way. Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for your friendship and brotherhood. Thank you for pushing me out of the darkness and into the light when I couldn’t find my way. Thank you for challenging me to do hard things – even if I hate the workouts you plan at times! 🙂

I never want to go back to where I was a year ago, and F3 has showed me that I don’t have to. The Bible says that God works for our good in all things, and F3 is proof of that.

I don’t know what the next year will look like, but we can all KEEP MOVING.


Naked Man Moleskin

I want to include some special shout-outs that I didn’t include in my CoT…

  • Brick – You’ll probably never know what you did by inviting me out here. Thank you.
  • Rusty – God used you to save my life. I can never repay what I owe you for that.
  • Trailer Park – You were Site Q that first morning, and you kept checking in with my for weeks following to make sure I was staying connected. I will always appreciate that.
  • Judge Smails – You are a mentor to me, and I am thankful for you.
  • Subway – Thanks for always being there
  • Bean Counter – When my family scheduled changed and I had to rely on Virtuosity for a season, your dedication to that AO kept me moving forward when I could have slid backwards. Thank you!
  • Aladdin – You inspire so many, myself included.
  • TPS Report – You go out of your way to encourage and support. I am forever grateful.
  • Title IX – You are my brother and your friendship is priceless.

…and THANK YOU to the men I’ve crossed paths with over the last year at Virtuosity, Black Panther, the Citadel, Two Wolves, La Luz, soccer games, coffeeteria, and and so much more. Thank you for keeping me moving forward. To every Site Q who has covered the 6 over the last year, thank you.

One year done. A lifetime of acceleration still ahead…LFG!

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