07/01/2022 - La Luz - 2 Years on Forever !

AO: La Luz

When: 07/01/2022


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Road Trip


You are the Men in The Arena! 

Come join me as I celebrate 2 year with this amazing group of men.

Stroll around La Luz 😉

Lesss get it Duuuu!


Welcome to F3 We’re @ La Luz for a Boot Camp my name is Road Trip!

5 Core Principles


Head Count.

(Bigger group for an EC Run and few Ruckers , so the body is warm)

The First exercise is Burpees-10 on my down. f##k it lol

The next exercise is SSH-20 IC

The next exercise is Burpees-10 OYO, get somee!

The last exercise is Good Mornings-10 IC

Pick up your coupons , form two lines! Let’s mosey. We lap the parking lot then head towards the bridge.


Disclaimer, order and count may differ ITG! lol if you want an exact count join us.

The Thang

We make it to the bridge, west side.

Hold your coupons High, roughly 1 minute. While we wait he hydrate!

Blockies-on my down, ~5

Rifle carry to the middle of the bridge, lesss go!

Done! Form lines along the railing north and south.

The next exercise is Burpees-10 on my down! Fyyya Duuu!

Next exercise is Goblet Squat on my down ~20

Let’s keep that heart pumping! SSH-20 IC.

Leg Lifts with coupons in the air. IC~20

The next exercise is Irkins on coupons, ready position move! On my down ~15

Dirking on your coupons, On my down ~15

Maybe a 10 second count. Rows! Ass to the grass! Use the railing on my down LFG! ~30

Pick up your coupons form to lines, let’s mosey. We charge the bridge west then make it to a round about, line it up along the grass line.

Bear Crawl up up the top of hill, 5 Burpees OYO! DONE!

Bear Crawl forward towards the fence, GO!

Merkins on my down, ~10. Stay on your 12! Crawl Bear back up to the hill , GO!

We make it to the top and I hear some mumble chatter something about 5 burpees wasn’t enough. Sooo

At the top of the hill, 10 Burpees OYO. Done!

Bear Crawl back to your coupons.

Ahhh f##k moment was kicking in, maybe mumble chatter wasn’t that but GET SOME anyway lol.

Pick up your coupons and make two lines! Let’s mosey 🙂

We make it to the renovated Promenade, came out real nice!

Line it up along the grass line! Gorilla Walk forward until I say stop!  Not sure how far it was but it felt far lol incline made it a bit more challenging. We make it to the top.

Love Tunnel! Form two lines, start in a low plank position when the pax crawling gets to you make the tunnel. We repeat this a number of times, The last round we make it a race between the tow rows. First one to the finish line wins! My group loses , the winners get to do 10 burpees for being elite lol. We do 5 for being less elite. But Laimbeer felt we should do ten so we did.

Make Two lines again, bear crawl back to the coupons. Maybe 40 yards back to coupons, I’ll have to check. But it was kinda far.

Pick up your coupons make two lines and mosey to the flags.

Circle Up! Low Plant Shift. We hold low plank and shift right when I say shift. We move around 3-4 positions right then shift left to original position.

6 o’clock

Recover Recover! 



Circle of Trust

Thank you all for attending my 2 year Manniversary! I simply stated that we have to make sure we make the best of our time here on this earth. Everything must come to an end and time has no empathy of your situation or feelings, it will continue without you. Let’s please make the best of the time that we have let’s treasure every moment good or bad. Keep moving forward keep pushing and growing.

I ended with my preblast quote. “The Man in The Arena” by  Theodore Roosevelt.

Aladdin brought this to our attention a number of Q’s ago and it really stuck. I love this quote for many reasons. I strongly feel the critic who counts they can talk all they want, the credit solely belongs to the man actually in the arena! That attempts whatever task at hand, even IF they fail they fail greatly.   “So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”


Prayers for Hot Box we are with you! and for all pax to get home safely.

Naked Man Moleskin

Shout out to all the guys who put in the EC work. Blinky ran like ten miles on some savage shiii lmao. Chasing Serena was pretty cool we got the wheels rolling and felt good. The blood was definitely going for the BC lol

Shout out to all La Luz regulars! You know who you are thank you for your dedication to the AO

Thanks to the new faces who came out! La Luz be getting it so I hope you enjoyed it.

Koko has been getting tf after it we enjoy watching his growth. And everyone else who came out we get stronger together.

Until next time, Road Trip.


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