03/30/2022 - The Complex - 2022 Bad Dudes Tournament – Final Four (1st half)
AO: The Complex
When: 03/30/2022
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Blues Clues
20 degrees, dark, and mud in the grass…where else ya wanna be during spring break??? THE GLOOM!
Tie Fighters
Tappy Taps
Imperial Walkers
The Thang
Mosey to pavilion
Thang #1 Merkin Waterfall (Escalator)
- Each PAX did 10 Merkins while everyone else planked
- Each PAX did 1 Merkin while everyone else planked
- 11 Merkins each, 132 Merkins total
Thang #2 “Put Me In Coach” – 2022 Bad Dudes Tournament Competition
- On the baseball field, cones were lined up at 3B Grass, SS, *CF Fence, 2B, and 1B Grass
- PAX split into 2 teams
- Each team starts at home plate and does
- 20 Curls, 20 OH Press, 20 Reverse Curls (Skull Crushers)
- Team 1 Runs the cones Counterclockwise 3B, SS, CF, 2B, 1B
- Team 2 Runs the cones Clockwise 1B, 2B, CF, SS, 3B
- 3B and 1B = 10 Wide Grip Merkins
- SS and 2B = 10 Closed Grip Merkins
- CF = 1 Burpee
- Sprinting in between
- Team who passes the most cones in 25 minutes wins
- A good amount of PAX hit 25+ cones which equals
- 1.5 Miles
- 5 Burpees
- 200 Merkins (Combo Wide/Closed Grip)
- 100 Curls
- 100 OH Press
- 100 Reverse Curls
- A good amount of PAX hit 25+ cones which equals
#8 Seed Vigo defeated #5 Seed Lo pan 148 to 118…or something like that! Some suspect counting.
Thang #3 Upper Body Blast
- One more Waterfall Merkin set (5 reps to 1 rep)
- 75 Depth Charges (3 sets of 25)
Circle of Trust
We closed with Have-a-nice-Day…I asked the PAX to think of the word “time” for 15 seconds in silence…
A few shared what it means to them…
Serena shared that 95% of our time with our kids happens before they turn 18 and what do ya know…that’s exactly what I came prepared to share. Serena must be reading the same Twitter content…
Here’s the math:
- 0-18 Years Old = 6,480 Days
- that’s 18 Years x 360 days roughly
- If you see your kids 15 days a year for the next 20 years, just over once a month, that would only = 300 days
I’m definitely missing my daughter this week as she’s with her mom on spring break. However, I know I the choice I have is to make the MOST of the time I get when I see her next.
This is a reminder I feel we hear a lot and it’s my reminder to us all once again here today. Thanks for coming out gentlemen.
Naked Man Moleskin
Salute to Mom’s Group picking up the six today, in sub mode as Turner was on vacation. Respect.