01/04/2022 - The Outpost - 3 Lessons Learned from Wolf 21: Protection, Play, and Partnership…

AO: The Outpost

When: 01/04/2022


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Blues Clues


I pulled into the lot and who else was already out for a cool 4 plus miles? Parks and Rec.

Subway pulled in shortly after me and we both hit a brief 1 mile scout run for EC. Checking the paths, most of the OP was littered with ice.

This would determine a shorter but more mentally challenging route for today’s run club.


SSH x20

Tie Fighters

Tappy Taps x14

Teresa (Hamstring Stretches)

Capri Lap to start of run spot

The Thang

All PAX lined up in the circle 2 parking lots over from the flags, in the Northeast corner.

We would run back and forth “straightaways” for a strong 35 minutes.

Finishing with a couple minutes of Mary…Teresa Style until 6am.

Circle of Trust

Wolves man…what great teachers of social behavior, community, and leadership they are…

I recently finished this book, and took quite a bit away from it…https://www.amazon.com/Reign-Wolf-Yellowstones-Legendary-Yellowstone/dp/B0987Z2L8S/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_c-OBhDFARIsAIFg3eyEC2K5B-CRQv6CigDeP7gtoOtuvRyfp-_b6YTPeEtoNYMaGADfpHMaAgZ9EALw_wcB&hvadid=557474521344&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9021648&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13350861603739751546&hvtargid=kwd-957707337774&hydadcr=7473_13185756&keywords=the+reign+of+wolf+21&qid=1641323488&sr=8-1

In 1926 the last wolf in Yellowstone National Park was shot. It wouldn’t be until 1995 that wolves would be re-introduced to the park. This project brought 15 or so wolves down from Canada and drastically changed the environment in Yellowstone for the better. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/media/wolves-yellowstone/

This book is a story primarily of Wolf 21…the alpha male of the famed druid pack. Wolf 21 was known for his bravery, he was unique in many ways. Many people think the alpha wolf is some kind of extra badass, this killer, this dominate force who rules ruthlessly, and leads with punishment. This could not be further from the truth about Wolf 21.

There were close to 200 wolves at the peak of Wolf 21’s life in Yellowstone, normal is about 100 now. This meant a lot of fighting between rival packs.

Wolf 21 was a new kind of badass. He never lost a fight with a rival wolf however he also never killed a rival wolf. This was unique and something other wolves learned from him. He was a protector in a empathetic way. You can say he ruled with love.

Wolf 21 would also teach younger pups. He would let them win wrestling messages and games to build their confidence, etc along the way. He was playful with his pack. Again, with love.

Most of all, Wolf 21 was committed to his partner, Wolf 42, the alpha female of the pack. There is a love story here as well and I won’t spoil the ending however it definitely was something I learned about what it means to be a true partner in life. From Beginning to the End.

I share this with you all as there is more we can learn in many places about leadership and love for this matter. In this case it’s animals, specifically wolves and more specifically Wolf 21.

May we all learned to be better at Protection, Play, and Partnership ahead. Look to Wolf 21 as just one of many examples.


Naked Man Moleskin

I saw Buttermaker getting ready for the LST crew at 6:15am, rolled down my window and asked him if he was crazy because ya know, it’s cold out. 🙂

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