09/28/2020 - The Ridge -

AO: The Ridge

When: 09/28/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: 5-Putt,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Soccer Mom


9/28 at The Ridge.  15 Pax showed up for a 4 corner Merry-Go-Round and 40 yard Gauntlet.

Cool 50 degree wet morning, perfect for the burner that was in store. Toby and 5 Putt were the first to arrive, around 5, the rest of the PAX starting rolling a few minutes after.  A little chatter was had but we got right into it.  I think we had a couple fart sacks but I’m not one for calling people out…


Short Mosey to Corner 1 for Good Mornings and introduction of exercises to be performed there. Mosey to corner 2 for Abe Vigodas and another intro.  Mosey to corner 3 for Tappy Taps and more info.  Mosey to corner 4 for Imperial Walkers and a little more instruction.

Counted off into 4 groups and got ready to go.

The Thang

Thang 1:

4 Corner Merry Go Round-

Station 1 had 40 coupon chest presses and 20 overhead presses

Station 2 was 40 goblet squats and 20 Carolina Dry Docks

Station 3 40 curls and 20 coupon pull thrus

Station 4 40 rows and 20 coupon lunges

Completed the required exercises then ran a loop around half the lot picked up our coupons and ran to the next corner, as a group.  Rinse and repeat until all 4 corners were completed.

Thang 2: 

40 yard exercise gauntlet-

Headed over to the soccer field where a 40 yard field was set up in 10 yard increments.  PAX bear crawled, 10 yards then had 10 burpees, 10 more yards then 20 merkins, 10 more yards for 30 air squats, last 10 yards and 40 LBCs.  Run back to the start to rinse and repeat substituting broad jumps then grasshoppers(Murder Bunnies) and crab walks for the bear crawls.


Circle of Trust

I mentioned Leading in the pre-blast and saw a quote by John C Maxwell that caught my attention Sunday night, “A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way AND goes the way”.  Or some may say, don’t just talk about it, be about it.

Every morning ITG we have leaders in our workouts, not only the Q.  Some who lead from the front, they get out and bust their asses and set an example.  WE notice that, and yes it motivates me THANK YOU!  We have others who are more vocal leaders, a word or 2 of encouragement to someone who may be struggling with the workout that day.  It goes a lot farther than they may think, I know I’ve been there.  WE hear you, and yes it give me an extra push THANK YOU!

I leave The Gloom every morning more ready to take on the day, more confident that I can lead, knowing I’m ready to lead at work and home.  Hopefully you all do as well!

Naked Man Moleskin

I’m glad we worked both as groups and had a chance to show what we have individually.  Vern, Toby, John Denver and Bone Spur got their chance to show us what they had in the Gauntlet.   Sorry if I missed anyone else, I don’t know you all well enough to recognized your behind from 20 yards back.  Oh yeah, Grasshoppers or Murder Bunnies suck no matter what we call them, but I know we all love them!

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