03/30/2021 - Iron Lion -

AO: Iron Lion

When: 03/30/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Big Kahuna, Bootlegger, Bull Hurley, Ebeneezer, Fathom, Huffy, Mr. Burns, Seadoo, Sulley,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Wine in A Box


Well . . . here we are again. Detailing another workout, another Q.

When the info only no chatter showed me Qing twice this week I realized I have an addiction to leading workouts. An addiction that needs to be broken (more of that in CoT). But importantly, WTF was I thinking attending Muggys Black Diamond AND the OCR training on Monday if I had to Q on tuesday?!?! Im just not cut out for this kind of abuse.  . . .

The Black Diamond was brutal. The OCR training left me whimpering in a corner.

But the show must go on . . .


Ill give you three guesses.

But if you need more than one . . .  then you havent been to my Qs

The Thang


Get a chunk of conduit out of my car.

Go to pavilion

20 reps x 3 sets for each.

1.) “Sit down” coupon squats.

  • Fully sit down on picnic bench while hugging coupon, then stand up

2.) Coupon leg extensions

  • Sit on the table, and put your feet through the holes in your coupon, assisted by a partner

3.) Coupon calf raises

4.) “Conduit ab thingy”

  • On your 6
  • Grip conduit with a wide grip, and have above your head
  • Legs 6 inches off the ground, bring your knees to your chest, and the conduit OVER your knees for one rep.

Plank for the 6 between sets waiting for the 6.


mosey to Lisle parking lot with one coupon between your partner and you.

“catch me if you can mosey”

Partner 1- Start running around the parking lot oval.

Partner 2- With coupon, do the following exercises, trading off when your partner “catches” you from behind and switches.

All exercises done on the straightaways.

  • Coupon walking lunges
  • Coupon overhead press. (one press per one step)
  • Farmers carry, heel to toe, switching after 10- 20 paces
  • Coupon curls (one curl per step)
  • (couldnt finish last curls straightaway, ran out of time)

Circle of Trust

CoT was about leading a Q.

We are all “freed to lead”, and get on that Q sheet. As posted on slack, a good rule of thumb is to lead a Q for every 10-15 posts you attend. Its a good habit to get into. If you haven’t led yet, and you are reticent on doing so, reach out to someone that Qs a lot or one of the site Qs. The site Qs can walk you through the process and give valuable feedback on your plan. (always plan MORE than you think you will need. Its good to have too much stuff than not enough).

Not only does this keep PAX interested and engaged, but it provides more variety for PAX to experience at a Q. Put your own twist on it and make it yours. When I was at Riunites VQ at F324, I thought he had just did a beer bong filled with 8 Red Bulls. Leading a Q gets you hyped . . it gets your creative juices flowing and its an adrenaline rush.

Get on that Q sheet!!

Naked Man Moleskin

So Im beat up . . . I hurt . . . and I was a whiny little bitch when I pulled up. My elbows hurt from the stooopid wall yesterday, my legs and shoulders were exhausted from black diamond, I have a golf ball sized lump on the side of my calf from the wall last night, and I was less than enthused.

But leading isnt about me being a whiny bitch . . . its about providing a beatdown for the PAX that are expecting it to start their day off right. Mr. Burns kindly reminded me that its “wine in a box” . . . not “whine in a box”.

And he was 100% right.

So I changed some of my Q in my head, and on the fly. No more “bitch voice” for me today, time to get right. I scrapped some of the “stretch o rama” and threw in some other thangs to make it harder. Because its not about me . . . its about the PAX.

To bootleggers chagrin, the stretch o rama was cancelled. Sulley was ecstatic that we were running (so much fun . . . running . . .) Ebeneezer, bootlegger and I commiserated for awhile about last nights OCR run, and openly wondered how many PAX that attended would post today.

The rest of the crew rolled in not long after, and it was game on. Fantastic effort and energy by all today, and way to push when things were getting tough.

But this was an eye opener for me. I need to back off Qing so much. Ill fill in when needed in a pinch, but everyone else needs more opportunities to get on that sheet. I am starting to run out of stuff to do. I was reflecting that I have SEVEN Qs in a row next week over 4 AOs. I HAVE AN ADDICTION PROBLEM.

It was also Muggys black diamond that helped me come to this decision. My goals and focus need to be aligned for something to work TOWARDs, and one of those goals is attending (and Qing) more Black Diamonds. Im also very focused on a better performance than last year for Frontline OCR. All my Qing doesnt necessarily prepare me for that. I need to be at other AOs, supporting other PAX. I have no designs to be the “guy that Qs the most”, and I really dont want the beatdowns to lose its energy because Im not fired up about it anymore.  I need to be focusing on putting 100% effort into completing a workout and pushing my limits, instead of worrying about the next THANG at one of my Qs and keeping an eye on the rest of the PAX. Plus it all but eliminates my ability to get in EC, and I need to get better at running. (I f’ing hate running so much . . . sigh)

So time to take the foot off the Qing gas for a bit. I’ll be picking them up every couple weeks . . . but next weeks insanity wont be duplicated for awhile.

Everyone else . . .  get on those Q sheets. Ask questions from other PAX about flow, function, etc. Have fun doing it. Enjoy that energy and rush you feel when leading a beatdown.

Mic drop . . . .

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