08/18/2021 - Base Camp -

AO: Base Camp

When: 08/18/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Speedo,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 2

FNG Names: MadMan, Schitzel

QIC: BabyHands


Rolled into Base Camp around 4:45am to find a very dark AO. Odd feeling after a few years of going to the same places consistently but at the same time liked the unknown. YHC checked out Mt. Everest, one side is much bigger than the other, think dark tower from the river with no flat spots. It will be interesting in the winter. Ran back to the flags and saw one car, it was my man Buttermaker, good to see a familiar face. Guys started rolling in around 5:05, be careful when you pull into this parking lot in the dark. 5:15, time to roll.


5 Core Principles, mission statement, and introductions were stated

SSH in cadence (IC) (30) – only had to start over once here but a few of you boys need to work on your rhythm 😉

Tappy Taps  IC – 15

Bat Wings – Arm circles forward IC 15, reverse IC 15, seal claps IC 15, overhead claps (15), Moroccan night clubs (15)

The Thang

Thang 1 –

Burpees IC – 10

Inchworms IC – 10

Thrusters IC – 10

lbCs IC – 10

bobby Hurley’s IC – 10

Thundersquats – Hold 90 degree squat and perform a jump squat each time the song says thunder. If you break your squat hold, 5 merkins and get back into position.

Thang 2 –

Bruce Lee – American Hammers, IC, 15x; Leg Raise, SC, 15x; Big Boys, Single Count (SC), 15x; Heel Touches, IC, 15x, Flutter Kicks, IC, 15x, 15x; 100s

Thang 3 –

Mosey to Mt. Everest with coupons

Honored Buttermaker with his woodchoppers, 15 SC on each arm, mosey down and back up 1/2 the long side of Everest. Plank for the six.

Curls SC 15, hold for 15 sec, SC 15, hold for 15 sec, SC 15 Hold for 20 sec, grab a partner and mosey down and back up 1/2 the long side of Everest. Plank for the six.

Merkin Ring of Fire – All PAX hold plank while first Pax does 5 SC merkins, then second, etc until all PAX have done 5 merkins. Some really good form out there, don’t let that slip, your integrity depends on it. 🙂

Mosey back to flags, plank series till the six arrived, thanks Flush for grabbing the cones!

Circle of Trust

Prayers for people in Haiti and Afghanistan, and the soldiers over the past 20 years serving our country. Stole Dorn’s CoT from a week ago as it has stuck with me. We often preach a life of gratitude, living 3rd and serving the community. However, when you get angry, bitter or even resentful, you cannot be grateful at the same time. If you feel yourself being overcome by anger, bitterness or resentment. Take a moment, pause and be grateful, its a much better way to go through life and frankly what is expected of a leader.

Naked Man Moleskin

What a great experience this morning. To see a region that is just starting, so much energy and excitement, one can already see the bonds forming. Thank you for giving it your all and bringing along that man next to you. Thank you to Flush, Buttermaker, Daisy and Goldberg for making the trip up North to support a brother. Welcome to MadMan and Schnitzel, one of the few that gets a taste of BabyHands on their very first day! Thanks Fathom for the invite…YHC thinks you may owe the PAX a cup of coffee or even a beer for missing today :). You’re always welcome at any of the F3 Naperville AO’s. DM if you want to come down and I’ll set you up real nice! Sign up for the 5K, get on the Q sheet, keep EH’ing and I’ll see you in the gloom again shortly.

-BH out

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