04/25/2023 - The Outpost - 72 Seasons
AO: The Outpost
When: 04/25/2023
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast for Late Start Outpost, Tuesday 4/25/2023 0615! Metallica’s latest album 72 Seasons was released just 10 days ago! I acknowledge extreme bias when I say this but … the album is AMAZING! I’ve listened to it so much that my kids are singing some of the lyrics in the car already (good or bad thing?
) .
Anyways … I am planning on tomorrow being a full body beatdown. 3S2THBFMLFG … What does that even mean? Whatever Bush said above + Head Banging and Face Melting…! Still don’t get it? Me neither but just be ready to listen to as much of ’72 Seasons’ as possible as we get our mind’s and bodies right across the AO tomorrow! SYIT(LateStart)G!
Pulled in to the OP Lot right at 6:12 coming in from Two Wolves. Just enough time to plant the flag and get the speaker ready to roll. Hit play…Ecstasy of Gold…!
Five Core Principles, Disclaimer, Mission Statement, and Credo recited. Let’s get warm.
Good Mornings IC x 10
Side Lunges IC x 10
Motivators w/Burpee x 5
The Thang
Main Thang
Starting point was at Flags
36 Coupon Curls
36 Chest Press
= 72 Reps!
Run to Octagon
18 Derkins
18 Irkins – Run Back to Flags
18 Coupon Curls
18 Chest Press
= 72 Reps!
Indian Run to Fitness Center
12 Step-Ups In Cadance
12 Bench Dips In Cadence – Run to Octagon
12 Derkins
12 Irkins – Run back to Flags
12 Curl Press In Cadence TEMPO
12 Chest Press In Cadence TEMPO
= 72 Reps!
Variable Speed Run to Tennis Courts
Started at the East End of the Tennis Courts and Bear Crawled the width of one tennis court
3 Burpees – Bear Crawl another tennis court
3 Burpees – Bear Crawl another tennis court
3 Burpees – Mosey a tennis court
3 Burpees – Mosey another tennis court
3 Burpees – Mosey final tennis court
3 Burpees – Group Mosey to Fitness Court
9 Step Ups In Cadence
9 Bench Dips In Cadence – Mosey to Octagon
9 Dirkins
9 Irkins – Mosey back to flags
9 Coupon Curls, In Cadence – 2=1
9 Chest Press, In Cadence – 2=1
= 72 Reps!
No Mary Today!
Circle of Trust
Count = 5
Announcements – Thanks Cowpie!
Name-O-Rama – Shirley Temple, Tinactin, Dilbert, Cowpie, Bean Counter
I am just starting my dive into the meaning, context, concept of Metallica’s newest Album “72 Seasons”. So far, what I am hearing, learning, and understanding is the concept of how the first 72 Seasons of our lives really play a role in shaping us. 72 seasons of course being 18 years. #Math
The idea is that it is the good AND the ‘bad’ that shape us, but in reality, the bad can be used as a way to propel us forward into the good. Often times we use ‘childhood trauma’ as an excuse for why we may act a certain way or respond to various situations the way that we do, but the idea here is that we can do a deeper dive into what ‘made us how we are’ and decide if there is room to correct or adjust our math. It is never too late to change course and become the person that you want to be.
So…my challenge to the PAX. Look at your first 72 Seasons. What happened that you feel helped define who you are. Are you looking at both the positive and the negative? Can you convert that negative into something positive? Is there room to grow and alter your path?
Naked Man Moleskin
Metallica! New Album! Amazing!
I had a quick chat with Cowpie at work yesterday and asked him if he felt like running today…because I was thinking of a beatdown that would have us covering some ground. He said hell yea and that was all I needed to hear. We covered about 2.2 miles with various exercises mixed in. Overall, I think it went pretty well. I probably could have done a better job at keeping the group together by breaking up the runs a bit or controlling the reps a little better…but as I told Shirley Temple, I (often and today) become a slave to my theme. I knew ‘72’ was going to play a big role in my workout today. I also knew we just needed to get past that first round. Luckily I decided halfway through Dumpster Fire’s earlier beatdown today that I would create two exercises per ‘station’ instead of one. Figured I would get cursed out pretty bad if we did 72 Curls… Lessons learned today but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Honored and humbled to lead! – BC