08/07/2020 - The Ridge - 8/7 – The Ridge – John Denver VQ

AO: The Ridge

When: 08/07/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Beat Box, Hackman, Jimmy Neutron, Motown, Onesie, Penalty Box, Rhinestone, Sheldon, Short Sale, Sparkler, Tourniquet, Twilight,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: John Denver


My original VQ was supposed to take place later this month giving me sufficient time to prepare, learn, and watch a few more weeks of workouts. If you would have asked me this past Monday if I would be Q by the end of the week my answer would have been a firm, no. This all changed after a friendly nudge from 5-Putt (thank you!) and I decided there is no time like the present so I decided to take the opportunity to Q Friday’s workout. I don’t know that this actually set in until about Wednesday when I began to realize that my VQ was now in two days.  Everything seemed to fall into place with relative ease as the week went on with some constructive feedback from Boston Butt, Woody, and Sparkler. So here we have it……


Cool air was perfect for a Friday morning beat down. It was darker than usual as we began pre-warm up stretches and we quickly realized that there was no power to the parking lot or the pavilion. Clearly the Squatch knew that we were onto him so he tried to gain a competitive advantage in the darkness. While that did put a bit of a damper on coffeeteria (Thanks Sheldon, you tried!) it did not slow down the morning workout and we headed off into the gloom together.


Tappy Taps x 15 in cadence

Motivators x7

Arm Circles x 10 each direction in cadence

Mosey to the other side of the lot with coupons

The Thang

Thang 1:

Location: Parking lot

20 merkin

bear crawl to opposite parking block

30 big boys

lunge back to starting parking block

Repeat x 5

Thang 2:

Location: Hill (Circuit: Near Side to Far Side and return) OYO as many times as possible

Near Side:

25 Curls (coupon)

25 Squats (coupon)

25 Bench Press (coupon)

Top of the Hill:

SSH x 10 (each direction)

Far Side:

15 Burpees


As the thick fog began to roll in on the far side of the hill we took a detour through the fog with coupons over head back to the flags for 6MoM.


Circle of Trust


Leg lift, pulse, kick (30 seconds each; then repeat for other leg)…..I’m still feeling this one.

30 seconds DFD

Flutter kicks until 6:00am

CoT: Live in the Moment

These last few months have been unprecedented, but even still we must move forward and cannot simply wait. We need to live in the moment and enjoy the little things in life.  If you are presented with opportunity take it because if you don’t someone else will. Do anything other than wait.  In my case it was the opportunity to VQ,and not only am I better, but so are those that joined me. Win-win.

Naked Man Moleskin

The route back to the flags through the fog was another opportunity which I could not pass up.  When else can you lead 12 men, most of whom you don’t know there first names, carrying coupons, through the fog all before 6am.

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