04/18/2022 - The Outpost - Back-Blast Outpost 0515 Monday 4/18 (Challenge Flag!!)

AO: The Outpost

When: 04/18/2022


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blart


The miserable mid-spring snow, slush and low temps tried to kick us in the pickle, but these hearty PAX turned right around and made the weather sing a high note…


We got our heart pumping and our muscles moving with an efficient set of warmup exercises:

Side Straddle Hops x 50

Bobby Hurleys x 25

Merkins x 20

Imperial Walkers x 15

The Thang

One long, hard Thang (get your mind out of the gutter):

An Outpost Circuit comprised of three stations, two exercises at each station, ramping from 12 to 24 to 36, and back down 24, 12 (pullups ramping from 4-8-12), for a total of 108 reps (36 pullups).

Station 1: Pullups, Dips

Station 2: Coupon Curl & Press, Lion Kings

Station 3: Step-Ups, Derkins

As PAX finished, we rotated into “11’s” in the parking lot with Merkins and Squats

The beatdown concluded with a Challenge Flag event: AMRAP Blockees in 2min, won by Bronco!

Circle of Trust

Today is Tax Day, a time to reflect on our duties, obligations, and contributions as citizens…

It’s a test of our willingness to fufill our duty. It’s also a test of our personal integrity.

It’s a time to reflect on how we contribute to the greater good in many ways, some voluntary, some compulsory.

And it’s an opportunity to appreciate our citizenship in a great country and nice community. For all our faults, this is still a pretty darned good place to be.

As HIMs, we must take it all in stride and do our part.

Prayers for Lewinsky and family, the Ashbury family that suffered a house fire, and all unspoken requests.

Naked Man Moleskin

There are few better ways to start the week than a good beatdown, followed by some good coffee with friends…

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